The digital consumer in 2019: gets to understand their needs better

July 23, 2019
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The digital consumer in 2019 is not the same as the one in 2018. The Internet has been one of the most transformative innovations in the modern era, driving generational changes in the way consumers live and shop.

Since then, brands have worked to meet the needs of users. Consumer trends are changing and will also change this year.

While computers brought the Internet home for the first time, mobile connectivity marked the beginning of an Internet without borders. Which gave consumers instant access to any information from anywhere. However, and most importantly, it helped consumers connect, giving way to a technology of mass participation.

Digital consumers now use a variety of devices to connect to the Internet and interact with digital content. But the digital habits of the digital consumer in 2019 are changing faster than ever. Some trends are already taking root but will grow in importance and will affect your strategy.

Understanding the digital consumer in 2019

With more than half of the world’s population online, your ability to connect with consumers is determined to a large extent by the strength of your digital marketing strategy. These trends will help you optimize your plan, take advantage of new growth opportunities, and reach your target audience more effectively.

1.- Real-time searches change the customer’s journey

Google receives 63,000 searches every second on a typical day. Many of these searches are done on a smartphone when a need develops. These instant queries give the consumer the power to make purchasing decisions. Without the need for intermediaries. And without needing to direct him towards a specific product.

The question is no longer just how to ensure that brands appear at key moments of online search but also about the type of role they should play. Including how they influence and affirm the experiences that people seek in real life.

Digital research offers consumers the possibility to start their experience before the purchase trip. This creates opportunities for customer engagement that helps customers explore their product and service options in advance.

It allows you to investigate, wherever you are, on any device you like. These consumers will combine their search results with influence information and product specifications. And then they will make their final decision.

2.-  Consumers want personalized digital assistants

A large number of options available for the digital consumer profile in 2019 allows you to choose from numerous suppliers and explore countless products. While this choice is positive, there are still several negative forces that you should consider.

Among them are the shopping carts abandoned by a complicated purchasing process or the lack of personalized recommendations for each client. Today’s consumers are looking for a digital personal assistant. They want one of confidence that they can use their preferences and previous behaviors as a guide for future purchases.

As we read in the report “Humanizing the Digital Experience in Banking” there are opportunities to go beyond the push strategies that can provide that treatment that the customer longs for. The differentiation is less and less in features such as price and delivery. Therefore, brands that offer humanized assistance in digital channels will drive long-term business growth.

Humanize digital experiences

The key to humanizing the customer experience is data and advanced analytics to create a customer-focused participation platform. A platform in which all interactions are personalized. Organizations should focus on long-term relationships and partnerships with customers.

This partnership will be based on consumer objectives, but it has the potential to generate more lasting relationships. A humanized digital experience makes use of all available data to build a 360-degree view of each client. The commitment must occur almost in real time. And only then, a brand can anticipate your next need.

3.- Increasing importance of images and voice

It is estimated that, shortly, most searches will be carried out without even writing a word. According to a survey conducted by Euromonitor, it is expected that voice-driven applications are one of the areas most affected by the development of artificial intelligence.

While voice-enabled devices such as Alexa and Google Home continue to populate more households, their ability to generate sales remains insignificant. This is expected to change in 2019 as more devices are purchased and more applications developed.

Starting in 2019, they will be competing with a post-literate society, according to Warc. This refers to an era in which images and characters will replace words. That, combined with the organic growth of the voice technology market, is in a position to succeed in the context.

As you move into the post-literate era, messages may be shorter, but they are just as powerful. And faster to create. Much of this communication will be in the form of “like.”

4.- Boom in social activism

In the past, most social activism focused on boycotting certain brands. “Consumer activism is taking a new turn. Buyers are more likely to spend money with brands whose values ​​they support rather than boycotting the companies they oppose. ” This is how a study by Weber Shandwick states.

In fact, 83% believed that it was more important to support companies that “do the right thing” when they buy their products. Brand activism will be a significant trend among digital consumer in 2019.

Also, many brands begin to adopt a clear stance on social problems. Nike supported Colin Kaepernick, the player who knelt when the American anthem sounded in protest mode. Or Levi’s who is in charge of a campaign against gun violence in America.

An excellent opportunity for companies to adopt their own social movements. Purpose-oriented marketing can create a greater connection between a brand and its consumers. This can also generate greater confidence.

Keys to consider this 2019 according to experts

The Expert Outlook 2019: Find Balance report based on specialties in shopping, health, technology, entertainment, money, careers, and citizenship, analyzes the trends that are taking place facing the digital consumer in 2019. These are the highlights of the trends which will have the most significant impact on consumer behavior:

A.- Authenticity is key

Brands need in-depth knowledge of their customers. Not only of consumers who make sales. An understanding of people with a diversity of needs that encompass all different types of audience.

Although the term of authenticity has been widely heard in recent years, the reality is that this 2019 is still very strong. Brands must be authentic, real, and human, even when technological consumers force them to become increasingly digital. Brands will need that human connection to keep growing.

B.- Physical stores still have a high value

The digital consumer in 2019 even understands the benefit of touching, feeling, and experiencing purchases in the offline world, although digital offers greater convenience. According to Bob Phibbs, “we may see a turning point when people realize the waste of online shopping, which can lead to a rebirth of the stores of a lifetime.”

Jemima Bird, CEO of Hello Finch, warns that innovative technology should never be used to replace emotional interaction in the store.

The power of experiential retail will become more crucial in 2019. Convenient order and delivery models discourage people from shopping for a purpose,” he says.

Retailers “would do well to understand the other reasons why people buy. Because of an emotional connection or a need for entertainment, instead of merely thinking that it is consumed by wanting to have more possessions, “says Bird.

C.- Responsible consumerism has been born

Although it is not a trend as such, it is essential to mention it. Responsible consumerism will be generalized in 2019. With the growing ease of buying products, consumers will look for brands that help them make better and more responsible decisions.

Ikea challenges its clients to become instigators of social change. Nike is aligning with the environmental concerns of its customers. For Days offers a subscription model for the use of clothes temporarily.

There is an urgent need to move from a sustainable mentality to a regenerative mentality.” This is how Michael Pawlyn, director of Exploration Architecture, explains it. “Regenerative means to have a net positive impact in many different ways. For example, restore ecosystems and make people live healthier and longer lives. ”

Therefore, you must align the marketing trends of 2019 with the needs of these new consumers. Create a marketing calendar to design your strategy. Be yourself and directly impact the digital consumer profile in 2019.

It responds to these characteristics of the digital consumer in 2019 with a good marketing strategy that meets the necessary requirements. At Antevenio, we help you create the best digital marketing campaigns without losing sight of these trends.

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