The 10 best tools to create infographics

August 28, 2018
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If you want to create spectacular infographics you will surely have to use some app. The tools to create online infographics are simple to use, include many functions and are usually free.

Infographics help to visually show the information you want to share. With images it is possible to summarize the content and reach the client more easily. Remember that images, videos, etc. have the ability to reach the customer more easily than text.

These are the 10 tools to create infographics that we can suggest to you:

1.- Canva

Canva is possibly the most powerful SaaS software program on the market at the moment. In fact, with Canva it is possible to create a multitude of images, in many forms and formats. Canva stands out from other tools in that it is not dedicated exclusively to infographics. It is free and very useful.

2.- allows you to create and visualize infographics. In addition, incorporates the ability to share the content created in social media. More than 35,000 designers use to create infographics.

3.- Infogram allows you to create spectacular infographics in a very simple way. This tool makes it possible to add more spectacular images to your infographics and modify the infographics at your whim.

4.- Wordle

Create word clouds with Wordle. Tag clouds are a very useful type of infographic that allows you to display the most used words in a text.

5.- Venngage

Venngage is easy and free to use. Venngage’s software, unlike Canva’s, only allows you to create infographics. The process to create infographics begins by choosing a template, adding visual elements, and customizing everything at your whim.


It is a powerful tool that allows you to create visual designs. With you can create infographics, but also work remotely and use this tool as a form of brainstorming.

7.- Piktochart

Piktochart is a powerful tool for creating infographics. Its interface is simple and infographics are created using templates. Piktochart then allows you to share the created content.

8.- Visme

Visme is an easy-to-use online tool that lets anyone create beautiful and interactive infographics and tons of other images in minutes using thousands of customizable templates. The tool offers a free starter account and unique features like animation, branding kit, content blocks, vector icons, and more.

9.- is a website dedicated to exclusively creating infographics. It is one of the most powerful tools in the market. Like other tools to create infographics choose templates, modify it to your liking, etc.

10.- is a really useful tool to create powerful infographics aimed, almost exclusively, to create very visual résumés. An infographic is a visual way to show information, so why not showing your résumé through an image?

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