The 5 best blogging platforms

April 24, 2018
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The 5 best blogging platforms

Nowadays, many people venture to create a blog to give their opinion, talk about things that interest them or simply to express their experiences. The reasons for creating a blog can be many and on the Internet, you have numerous platforms for blogs that allow you to create a blog in just a few minutes and without the need of technical knowledge. Some of them are free, and others have both a free and premium version with added features.

Regardless of the platform, you choose, creating a blog gives you many opportunities in various fields. You may be interested in having space from a playful point of view, to recreate more or less important moments of your life or the relationship of yours or, what is more interesting, to strengthen your online marketing strategy.

If you still hesitate, these are the advantages of having your own blog:

  • Easy to use. Most of blogging platforms are very easy to use and manage, and it allows you to create and take advantage of a blog even if you are a beginner.
  • Notoriety. Like social media, having a blog gives you the option to reach a huge audience. The geographical location of the readers doesn’t matter, nor the schedule nor even the device from which they are reading since a blog reaches all the corners of the world as long there is an Internet connection.
  • Freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is one of the most precious treasures we have in our society. A blog is an ideal space to express the voice of your company.
  • Argument & Exchange richness. One of the great advantages of the democratization of the publication of content is that you can find blogs of all kinds of topics. Therefore, blogs are exceptional spaces in which to share knowledge. They allow you to help others, improve your knowledge on different topics, inform you about unknown aspects or understand and open yourself to other points of view.
  • It helps improve digital positioning. Keeping a corporate blog in an appropriate manner requires the generation of quality content. If you work properly both the technical aspects and other factors more related to the content itself, a blog will help you to be better positioned in specific searches on Google.
  • Earn Money. With a Blog, you can market your ability to write articles of interest through sponsored posts using platforms such as Coobis (which market your services to large advertisers for you).

Making a blog is relatively simple. The most difficult thing is to choose among all the blogging platforms that exist. To help you with this decision, we explain the distinguishing elements of these 5 platforms:

1.- WordPress

blogging platforms

If there is a popular platform to create blogs at the moment, it is WordPress. It allows you to create a free blog on a global platform and, on the other hand, gives you the option to download all the files to make an open source software installation on your own server.

WordPress is, de facto, the main platform not only to create blogs but also to design corporate web pages since it has grown in such a way that it is already a complete content management system (CMS).

If you use the platform you can create a blog for free, without the need to hire an external hosting and in only 5 steps:

  1. Choose the domain by which you will be recognized. It will always be in the format “”. Later, the platform will offer you the possibility of buying your own domain to which you can redirect this space.
  2. Enter an email account, a username and a password.
  3. Choose the template you are going to use that defines the look of your blog.
  4. If you want to have a free blog, you must choose the option “Select free that will never expire.
  5. Once these steps are done, you only have to start shaping your blog by publishing and sharing content that is relevant to capture a specific audience.

What are the advantages of WordPress?

WordPress has become the main platform for blogs mainly because it offers the following advantages:

  1. Easy to use. It is a very intuitive platform and allows you to design and customize the blog as you like it.
  2. It is free. Although you later have the possibility to incorporate functions with the premium option.
  3. Customer service. The platform has a personal forum where you can post any questions you have regarding WordPress to clarify or solve problems.
  4. The platform has a mobile application. In addition, most of the templates are responsive, that is to say, they allow an adequate visualization both in desktop and mobile environments.
  5. It helps to easily position content on search engines.

2.- Blogger

blogging platforms

Blogger is the platform for blogs that gave the name to this type of digital content. It was born initially as an alternative project of the company Pyra Labs that in 2003 was bought by Google.

The success of Blogger was and remains to be its simplicity. The initial goal was to allow digital content to be published without being necessary how to code and in a simple and intuitive way.

With the acquisition by Google it is only necessary to have a Gmail account, and in less than 3 minutes you can have your first blog.

To do this, you must access your Google data and click on “New Blog”. The platform will ask for the title of the blog, the URL and to choose the template that you like from a range of free options.

What are the advantages of Blogger?

Although in recent years Blogger has lost its dominant position in favor of WordPress, the truth is that creating a blog on this platform allows you to take advantage of the following advantages:

  1. It is completely free.
  2. Very simple to use. This blog also offers the possibility to customize and design the blog as you like it.
  3. You can create as many blogs as you want.
  4. Access to other Google products. Being a Google service, by default, the user who uses this platform has other Google products such as Picasa or Google Plus available to them.
  5. Does not require prior technical knowledge. Blogger is still the ideal platform for beginners.

3.- Tumblr

blogging platforms

If what you are looking for is a blog in which the visual aspect predominates, Tumblr is your ideal option. This platform is for all those users who like to share images, animated gifs or videos. Therefore, it can be understood as a blog that is more visual than textual.

Generally, this platform is widely used by people who write as a hobby, and although some companies manage their blogs on this platform, it is more oriented to personal issues than business. Even so, many companies can find their place inside Tumblr.

What are the advantages of Tumblr?

The features that make Tumblr a good choice are:

  1. Original platform. Tumblr is different from the other platforms for blogs. In fact, it is defined more as a microblogging platform, a very versatile mix of a blog and Twitter.
  2. Visual content. It is a very visual platform, which is a factor highly valued by today’s users.
  3. It is a platform perfectly adaptable to mobile devices.
  4. The use of this platform is, again, very simple.
  5. .Multiple blogs can be managed.
  6. Tumblr offers many different templates to choose from.
  7. . It also offers great possibilities to publish events in real time.
  8. It is a free.

4.- Wix

blogging platforms

Just like WordPress, Wix is a platform to create blogs that has been converted into a powerful CMS. It was born as an online space to create web pages that also allows creating blogs in a very simple and fast online. Wix does not require any programming knowledge either.

In order to create a blog with Wix, you must create an account on the platform, for which you must use the options to register with your Facebook or Google Plus data. Then you must indicate what type of page you want to create (in this case, it should be a blog).

Afterward, you only have to choose the type of template to later edit and update the information on your new blog. Once all these steps are done, you will be ready to publish and share all your content.

What are the advantages of Wix?

Like the rest of the blogging platforms, Wix is a very simple space to use. In addition, it has the following advantages:

  1. It has many template designs that are usually very colorful and well organized.
  2. This platform also adapts to mobile devices, therefore, everything you post will be properly seen on tablets or smartphones.
  3. It has a free service and a Premium service. If you choose this option, the platform offers different services that you can access with discounts and special coupons.

5.- Medium

blogging platforms

Medium is the current jewel in the crown when it comes to blogging platforms. Not in vain, as it is a service founded by Ev Williams, one of the founders of Blogger and, later, of Twitter, and Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter.

The feature of Medium is that it is committed to an attractive and simple design with the aim of focusing users on what is important: the content.

In fact, the initial idea of Medium is very similar to Twitter except, obviously, the limitation of 140 characters. This platform maintains the spirit of highlighting the content and offers the possibility that the users themselves recommend it. Therefore, it can be said that it is a platform that encourages quality writing and good editing.

The way to use the platform is very simple. You can access Medium through your Facebook or Twitter profile, and once inside, in a few minutes you will have explored all the customization options that the platform allows.

What are the advantages of Medium?

If you have not yet decided on any of the options above, these are the advantages you’ll find in Medium:

  1. Quality content. One of the most important elements for Medium is the content. Therefore, the content that can be found on this platform is of quality. If you have quality content and you want to create a blog, this is your platform
  2. Blogs are also optimized for mobile devices.
  3. Collaboration. It is a platform that greatly encourages the interaction of the entire community, both as writers and readers, or to share content, suggest articles or comment posts.
  4. It is very simple to use and you can also get aesthetics and very good designs in a quick way.

As you have seen, these 5 blogging platforms are simple and do not require programming knowledge so you can focus on what is really important: what you have to tell.

Earn money with your Blog with Coobis

In addition to the classic Google Adsense ads, which can be a good way to monetize your blog, one of the best ways to make money with your blog are sponsored posts.

The sponsored posts are articles commissioned by advertisers that you can write and publish on your Blog in exchange for a fixed payment. As it often happens, the problem is not the willingness to provide this service but the way to find the advertisers. And for this task, there is a platform called Coobis that sells your “sponsored posts” for you. If you want to sign up with Coobis and start earning money with your Blog, you can do it here.

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