Sending bulk emails with different and customized attachments

April 02, 2019
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Sephora Email

It is possible to send mass emails with different and customized attachments. You only need a good email marketing tool that brings life into your contents and guarantees a good automation service.

But what are the steps to follow? Do you know how to create automated and personalized emails such as the one on the image? You must consider that each user has different data and might be in one phase or another of the conversion funnel. So the transactional emails that each subscriber receives should match each unique moment.

Do you know how to manage this situation and send mass emails with different and customized attachments for each segment within your database?

Segmentation is key in this process

content funnel

Sending bulk emails with different and customized attachments is not possible without a good segmentation of your database. This is particularly true because your customers are not all the same, nor are they in the same situation or have the same interests. Everyone has specific preferences.

In fact, having a powerful and quality database will guarantee a great part of your email strategy’s success. The more information you have about your subscribers, the easier it will be to send mass emails with different and customized attachments.

But you need to b sure to always respect the law. In fact, the GDPR data law has now come into force and forces you to ensure that:

  • The data processing is legal and fair.
  • The information collected has explicit legitimate purposes, guaranteeing the user that it will only be retained during the time that is completely necessary.

Additionally, in conjunction with the creation of a quality database, it is necessary to consider permission marketing and double opt-in subscriptions.

In fact, one method to guarantee the success of your campaigns and to send mass emails with different and customized attachments that work is to be sure that your contacts actually want to receive the information because they have given you their authorization for you to send it.

From there, you will only have to worry about adequately segmenting your database.

How can I segment my database?

segmentation form

  1. Based on filter users by age, sex, place of residence, income or marital status.
  2. Based on their interests. This sort of segmentation is essential in order to send mass emails with different and personalized attachments, as it has a profound effect on the content of the message. For this, it will be necessary to adapt the subscription form you have created to what the users want.
  3. By Knowing this information opens a wide range of possibilities for you. You will be able to send mass emails with different and customized attachments based on the receiver’s location.
  4. Segmentation by click. This one takes place based on previous results.
  5. Segmentation by your users’ Users’ reputation refers to the way users interact with the messages you send them. If they open your emails and click on your content, they will have a good reputation. If they have stopped interacting with your emails, they will have a bad reputation.

What is the next step to send mass emails with different and customized attachments?

The customization


You have obtained quality leads through powerful and useful forms. Your recruitment strategy has worked based on the double opt-in to guarantee that users who subscribe to your newsletter want to receive information about your brand. And lastly, you have segmented your database to be able to send mass emails with different and customized attachments.

The time has come to work on customization and to understand why it is so important for the process of mass email automation.

One of the most significant advantages of automated emails is that they allow high levels of personalization. And this automatically helps you to increase engagement. That is why sending mass emails with different and personalized attachments is one of the only aspects that can leave your customers open-mouthed.

One of the main advantages transactional emails have to increase sales is that they allow a high level of personalization. Personalization is the key to digital marketing, the main factor to achieve engagement and the only feature that can have an impact on your client and surprise him.

Although the star question is the following:

How to send mass emails with different and customized attachments?

Without a doubt, with email marketing platforms that guarantee the service in the most comfortable and simple way possible.

Personalization does not mean focusing only on the email’s subject line, especially when we talk about automated mass emails. Do you know what kind of content you can send and how to send bulk emails with customized attachments?

Luckily, platforms such as MDirector allow you to send emails by creating new deliveries. This is the correct way to do it:

1.- Configuration

In order to send mass emails with different and customized attachments, you will need to follow a process.

The first step is the configuration itself, which should be doe clearly from the start.

  1. Define the name of your campaign. 
  2. Choose to which campaign the emails belong to.
  3. Define the subject line. Here, you can customize a different subject for each user for the visualization to be successful.
  4. This is the text shown next to the subject in the email inbox.
  5. Define the sender’s name and the response name/mail, as well as the delivery labels and the language.

2.- Templates


An email template is a template that can be used to send mass emails with different and customized attachments. Additionally, it can be adapted to each campaign. That is why it is so important.

3.- The design

the design

Here, you will be able to define how to send mass emails with different and customized attachments.

On the “Attachments” option, you will be able to choose a file for each campaign and each segment of users, which, as you might remember, you have defined at the beginning.

When sending email with different and customized attachments, it is advisable the attachment’s size is no more than 100kb. If the size is bigger, it might not get to inbox because anti-spam filters could stop it.

4.- Last steps

  • Be creative with customization. You will be able to personalize your email with any field included in your database from the editor itself.
  • Perform a spam test. For example, the MDirector platform incorporates a scoring system to establish whether a delivery can be considered spam or not. The risk score from which a delivery can be considered spam is 5. The test provides details regarding the reasons for the score.
  • Selection of contacts for the sending of emails. You will be able to select which segment you want to receive each message and apply that selection to send mass emails with different and personalized attachments.
  • Schedule the delivery.

What kinds of emails can I send with different and customized attachments?


You can send all those emails you can automate. In fact, one of the safest email marketing strategies is dynamic content, content in which both personalization and segmentation have their function.

This kind of dynamic content increases its value by being essential to create personalized experiences for each user, because it varies based on the recipient.

Creating unique experiences that make customers feel valued is very important for a business to grow and retain its customers.

You might have worked on the famous subject lines, where it is common to include each recipient’s name instead of a general message. However, regular customers demand mass emails with different and customized attachments, and with dynamic content, among others, you will be able keep up.

The more dynamic and personalized the content, the closer you get to a one to one communication model

Additionally, automated emails you can customize are:

  • Welcome emails.
  • Birthday congratulations.
  • Confirmation emails.
  • Appointments and expirations.
  • Reminder emails or confirmation emails.
  • Messages to promote events.
  • Emails to recapture inactive users.
  • And you can also send bulk emails with different and customized attachments when you want to recover abandoned purchases.
  • Blog entries or new content can be included in a personalized email for each user to receive notifications only when new content is of interest to them.
  • Feedback emails.
  • New courses or special tickets launches can also be customized based on tastes, interests and behavior.

The secret to improve engagement by sending mass emails with different and personalized attachments is that you are aware of the power a tool such as the email has to convince users.

Would you like to work with an ESP that includes an email, SMS and programmatic marketing automation system in addition to ensuring a unique email delivery capability?

Antevenio offers email marketing and cross channel marketing services through its proprietary SaaS platform MDirector. Contact us!

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