Send bulk emails without the recipients being visible

September 25, 2018
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Sending bulk emails without being seen by the recipients is one of the factors that you must take care of to ensure the success of your online marketing campaigns.

Especially when you want to present a new product, to publicize the new website, a special promotion or to congratulate users on specific dates. As for example, at Christmas.

The sending of mass emails in these cases is essential. You have probably chosen one of those mentioned as crucial moments to launch yourself into it. You have created an eye-catching, visual content with a strategic copy.

But, do you have everything under control? Are you sure you take care of all the details? Have you done anything to send mass emails without the recipients being seen? Or do you allow your hundreds of contacts to have access to each other’s addresses? Something that is not only an error but is penalized by data protection laws.

You risk being marked as spam

If there is something clear in this whole issue is that the main risk you run is to be marked as a spammer. And among the guidelines you must follow to avoid falling into the dark side, you must begin by assimilating that, even if it is a mass email, each recipient is a specific person. And each one deserves valuable, personalized content and, above all, that their privacy is taken care of.

But, what if your name is included from the same email subject?

Perhaps you should know that emails that include the recipient’s name in their subject line have higher click rates than emails that do not incorporate it. And although they are massive emails and the content is not so personalized, it is important to take it into account.

Also, you know that the more personalized a message is, the better. That means that you know the person to whom you send your email, you know their needs, what was their last purchase in your online store, what interests they have, etc. And all this must be reflected in your database. Even if you modify it as many times as necessary.

The more customer data you have, the better. But this does not give you the right to share them. That is why, as soon as you do not consider sending mass emails without the recipients being seen, you are complying with one of the main rules.

Send bulk emails without the recipients being visible

When launching a mass email campaign, it is essential that you know how to use the hidden copy field (CCO) in your email platform.

This field allows you to send emails to multiple recipients without seeing the addresses of others. But, on the contrary, if you usually include all the addresses in the “To” field, they will all receive private information.

can not spread it without the express consent of the user.

The email reached almost 4,000 people, and all the addresses were visible to the rest of the recipients. It was enough for one of them to report it to the AEPD so that it would ensure that article 10 of the Organic Law on Data Protection had been violated.

Therefore, sending mass emails with recipients being invisible should be one of your priorities. Besides to avoid the fine, because these actions favor spam.

Disadvantages of sending mass emails without a professional tool


When sending many emails with clients such as Outlook, Gmail or any of the usual email managers, you will encounter several problems.

  1. Most recipients will not receive that email. Or, what is worse, they will receive them directly from the spam folder. As you know, it is essential that an email arrives. If not, an email marketing campaign will fail. However, you shouldknow that webmail is not designed or designed for mass mailings.
  2. You do not have access to statistics. Without feedback, there is nothing to do. And webmails can not offer you this option.
  3. Sending bulk emails without the recipients being seen is not entirely safe. You run a high risk of having problems.
  4. When sending an email to so many recipients, the process remains in the mail queue of your server. Thus causing an overload in the service, which generates problems when using the rest of the email accounts correctly.
  5. The IP of your server and your domain can be penalized and included in blacklists.

Advantages of sending mass emails with a professional tool

On the other hand, using a professional emailing software guarantees these benefits:

  1. Your mass email campaign will be much more effective, and you will ensure that the deliverability is good.
  2. You will have access to data, statistics and detailed reports on all aspects of your email marketing campaign.
  3. Your subscriber list can be segmented appropriately to customize both the submissions and subsequent analyzes.
  4. Overloads do not take place with a professional email marketing platform.
  5. On the other hand, your IP and your domain will not be harmed.
  6. A professional email marketing tool will provide templates to improve the appearance of your messages.
  7. You have the opportunity to create subscription forms so that your clients can register in your newsletters.
  8. You can create autoresponders.
  9. There is also the option to integrate your service with Google Analytics to make a more detailed tracking.
  10. And, of course, your brand will have a good reputation, a better image, and professionalism that, if it were not for a professional tool, would not.

MDirector, Antevenio’s Email Marketing platform

MDirector is the leading email marketing platform in Spanish, as evidenced by the eAwards awards for the best Email Marketing platform in 2014 and 2015. The mass mailing software supports more than 600,000,000 emails sent per month, which is already in itself a guarantee that your mass emails will reach their recipients.

MDirector’s mass email software has the features that an excellent professional email marketing platform should include:

  • Gallery of thematic templates for email marketing: MDirector provides free of charge to all its user an extensive gallery of thematic models designed to be adapted to all types of business sectors, for desktop and mobile devices.
  • Analysis and reports of your shipments. With MDirector’s advanced reporting system, you can see the openings, clicks, downloads, bounces, purchases, from which devices or browsers open your emails … All this to improve your shipments.
  • Test A / B to optimize your campaigns. If you want to increase the results of your shipments you have to perform tests. With the A / B Test, you can check which creativity or issue works best, and automatically MDirector prioritizes the best result and sends it to the rest of your database.
  • Management of casualties and automatic bounces: Your reporting system provides detailed information on the management of casualties and automatic bounces that a campaign has obtained. Also, you can export data related to these aspects to other formats.
  • Automatic emails that simplify your life.
  • Viralization in social networks of emails.
  • Deliverability of your emails. Grupo Antevenio and MDirector have experience working on maintaining communication channels with the leading ISPs and email providers since 2001.
  • Integrate MDirector with your CRM. Having the MDirector API to be able to synchronize your database is an element to consider.
  • Maximize the impact with advanced segmentation of your database.
  • Offers a preview of emails in Yahoo !, Gmail, Outlook, …
  • Support in Spanish of email marketing, SMS Marketing, landing pages, social and web display with retargeting.

Therefore, if you want to make sure you send mass emails without the recipients being seen, it is best to opt for a professional platform. Sign up for an MDirector test. Our team of experts will ensure that your strategy is a success. Bet for sure. Request information about our email marketing service here.

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