Is it worth it to buy real Fans and Likes for Facebook?

August 21, 2018
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It seems that the hunger to create a community on social networks is insatiable. And even more when you see that your most direct competition has thousands of followers and you must settle for a couple hundred. This situation has led many to look for alternatives to buy real fans and likes for Facebook. Hoping you’ll get a twist on your image.

Does it work? Can I buy real fans and like for Facebook? A few days ago, we analyzed the dangers of buying likes and followers on Instagram. And above all, we emphasized that to achieve real results you should not be inclined to cheat. A community is neither bought nor sold, it is built.

We know that the notoriety of a brand in any social network is vital to strengthen its image. The more likes and followers you have, the stronger, more powerful you will look and, in short, you will get the attention of new users who did not know you.

Is it possible to buy real fans and likes for Facebooks?

Doesn’t that happen to you? You get to the profile of a brand you didn’t follow, and you see that it has a huge community. You are curious, and besides browsing for a while on its site, you decide to follow it to see why so many people are supporting it.

This happens in most cases and in almost all social networks. And it’s the obsession to get past your competition in number that will probably push you to buy real fans and likes for Facebook. Yeah, reals, no bots.

It is true that as soon as you write in your search engine “Buy real fans and likes for Facebook” you will see a considerable number of sites that guarantee that their services are 100% reliable. And of quality. In fact, there are even those who have offers and packages of followers and likes. But do you trust all these promises?

Most of these services claim that their contacts are 100% real. And they are active and interact with your social media spaces. Something complicated to make sure. Mainly because their fees don’t invite confidence. Can you get a specific volume of real fans and followers at an infinitely lower price than those achieved with dynamization strategies?

Is it any use for buying fans and followers?

In case you choose this way, you will get into a complicated terrain. On the one hand, that feared number will grow, and you will gain power in front of users who don’t know you. But several questions could call into question the effectiveness of this type of action:

  • Who are these fans really?
  • Are they people who follow those who pay you the most without any criteria?
  • What if another one arrives and pays them more? Will they stop following me?
  • Once you click like and follow my page will it mean that you will stay forever with my brand?
  • How do I know if my Facebook strategies are really working if these people are obliged to give like to everything I post?
  • If they are real, will their personal information serve my database? Or should I not count on these followers when it comes to focusing my strategies?
  • Can I assure 100% that there are people of flesh and blood behind those accounts?
  • What if they have nothing to do with my target? What good will it do me to buy fans and like for real Facebook?
  • If my business is national, how do I make sure that the followers I buy will be within the range I’m interested in impacting?

Buying real fans and likes for Facebook pushes others to follow you too and to have a much more powerful image before the competition. But as much as there are people of flesh and blood behind those profiles, it will be challenging for you to answer each one of the questions raised positively.

It will stall your strategies

Let’s suppose those accounts are 100% real. Will your network strategies be 100% effective? It doesn’t matter that in this case, they’re not bots. They are people who have a “salary” for following and interacting with your brand. Whatever you do, they’ll give you their approval.

If 80% of your community is bought fans when you’re measuring the effectiveness of your Facebook campaigns, all the results you get will be useless. It will be impossible to detect that 20% that you haven’t bought and that is there because they want to follow you. And it will be even more complicated to know what this percentage thinks.

Think about it. Does it make up for you buying fans and likes on Facebook? Real or bots, the answer is no. And we give you the reasons:

1.- Zero engagement

If most of your fans are purchased, your content will not impact anyone. You need fans really involved with your brand to get a considerable level of engagement and to start creating a quality community.

Buying followers and likes will only increase a number. But it won’t provide you with anything else.

2.- You’ll get a low Edgerank score

Edgerank is the Facebook algorithm that determines the number of fans to which the content you publish is displayed. But if you have chosen to buy fans and likes for Facebook, it is very likely that many of them will not interact with your brand. And for this very reason, your Edgerank score will be meager.

This will not only harm you in the face of the social network, which will see you as a very flat profile. But you’ll have it hard to position your Fan Page.

3.- You’ll be putting potential fans at stake

If someone hits your page and realizes that, despite the high number of fans the interaction is minimal, they will quickly notice that you have purchased followers. And cataloging you as “the brand that needs to buy fans” will hurt your image.

The most “soft” thing that can happen to you in case a new user thinks about the situation is that it concludes that your page is not attractive. And this will also keep him from coming back.

4.- It is a waste of money

Put a standard on each strategy you carry out: If you buy something, be sure that it is valuable. Purchasing real fans and likes for Facebook or bots will not bring you any value. You’ll be complicating your life. And it will be a very complicated investment to justify.

5.- You will be unable to generate leads and sales

Real professionals use Facebook to create potential customers and make them turn. However, performing actions like these will only raise the number of likes in a photo. Or followers on a Twitter account. It will not get those users to click on your posts, get to a landing page and end up buying your product.

Solution: Create your own community

It is better to have a small but quality community than not thousands and thousands of followers who are useless. And this applies not only to Facebook but to any social network and any field in which you want to work. It will be the only way you will be able to increase your conversions and engagement with your target audience.

Concerning this whole topic and given the importance of the social network, not long ago we shared with you some tips to position your Fan Page on Facebook. Everything with the goal to reach more people, gain visibility and increase sales.

On the other hand, these are some recommendations that will also help you increase the visibility of your Fan Page and meet your goals. Forget buying and selling followers and bet on healthy practices with real results.

Tricks to increase your community on social networks

  1. Invite your friends. Don’t forget. Whenever you bet on creating a Fan Page, the first thing you must do once you set it up is inviting your friends. That’s right, with one criterion. Invite those you think might be interested in the subject of your page.
  2. More than one administrator. Maybe this is a practice you don’t trust. You have created the Fan Page of your business, and you want to take care of everything. But sometimes you must keep your mind a little more open and show some more confidence. You can partner with people who have friends on Facebook who may be interested in your brand. The exciting thing is that these people can also invite their environment to follow your Fan Page.
  3. Product giveaways. As with any other social network, giveaways are one of the infallible tactics to gain visibility, get users to interact with your brand and reach new audiences.
  4. Link your Fan Page to each one of your communications and websites. The easiest thing you can do to position a Fan Page is to use your own resources.

Now that you know how to gain visibility on Facebook in a healthy way, do you encourage yourself to optimize your campaigns and reach the users who are genuinely interested in your product and brand?

If you need advisory services on how to get more followers on Facebook, please find out here.

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