How to generate leads with ads on social media

August 27, 2019
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Generating leads with ads on social media is one of the most effective ways to get new potential customers. What is interesting for any brand is to be visible in all the scenarios where its target audience moves. And in this case, being present in social media is a success for any strategy. Of course, taking into account the particularities of each one.

Social media are part of the daily routine of most users. And they have already become a crucial element to stay informed and interact with brands. 31% of users affirm that the presence of brands in media increases the trust placed in them.

Therefore, generating leads with ads on social media is an alternative to consider. Do you know how your brand is perceived in social networks? Do you think that users are interested in following brands? What kind of relationships are created? Some statistics respond to questions like the above:

Advertising revenues are going to double in four years

However, social networks got plenty of room to grow. As the BI Intelligence data shows in the chart heading the post, the advertising revenue on social media will double by 2021. This prediction is based on the behavior of the users themselves, who are always changing their shopping habits.

In this way, social media will not only benefit from the increase of time users spend on them, but also brands, which choose them to launch their campaigns.

Also, considering that native advertising is the preferred choice of all brands, there is no more appropriate scenario to make it flourish.

Currently, according to the data of the same analysis, social platforms are those that generate the most income from native ads. Therefore, it is estimated that they continue to dominate this type of advertising until 2021. Unsurprisingly, having a growing presence in mobile devices.

How to generate leads with ads on social media?

Do not assume that by being present in all social platforms you will get better results. Getting leads with ads in social media is only possible if you do it in those where your target is at.

It will not work for you to post on Instagram if you want to launch a job offer. In this case, LinkedIn would be a better platform. Even so, before you want to generate leads with ads on social media, it is always essential to know each of them, know how they work, its characteristics and determine how it adapts to your goals and your target audience.

1.- Facebook

Facebook is the only tool that has managed to become a competitor to Google in terms of advertising. Therefore, you are most likely interested in knowing how to get leads with ads on social media. Specifically, in this one that has an impressive audience.

Surely you know that a few months ago, Facebook launched a new advertising format called Facebook Lead Ads. This approach allows you to capture the data of your potential customers without them having to leave the platform. So, with this type of ads, you will get a higher conversion rate and exchange of data between users, and your branding will be easier.

This technique consists in creating an ad on Facebook that seeks the public interested in your product or service. The platform eases the subscription to it and thus saves time without the need to reroute to a different landing page to fill out another form. As a brand, you benefit from immediate subscriptions.

These are the steps to take advantage of Facebook Lead Ads:

1.- Create a campaign

To create a Facebook Lead Ads campaign, you need to enter Power Editor. Then click on “Create a campaign” and choose the “Lead Generation” objective.

Then you have to create a set of ads and tune it step by step.

2.- Configure the group of ads

You will have to start this second step on your Facebook Fan Page. The important settings you must set are the budget, start and end date of the campaign and the audience. The latter is the decisive part of the success of your campaign. Ideally, segment according to the following:

  • By place.
  • Demographic data.
  • Interests.
  • Behavior, etc.

Finally, you must determine the type of optimization you desire. In this case, “Leads”, since what interests you is capturing leads with ads on social media.

3.- Set your ads

Now you need to create each ad, although the ideal is that you use A/B tests that will allow you to make sure which one is the best and with which one you will get more leads. Even so, pay special attention to the settings of your form.

4.- Download your leads

It is as simple as logging in to your Fan Page, select the publishing tools and you will find a section of Leads Ads Forms. The platform allows you to download the data in .csv to import them later in your CRM tool or in the email marketing platform from which you will continue working.

2.- Twitter

As in Facebook, to capture leads without the user having to change windows, you must create a Lead Generation Card on Twitter. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Enter the main page of Twitter Ads and log in with your user.
  • In the top menu, click on “Creatives”, where you will find the “Cards” option.
  • Make sure you have selected the Lead Generation option and click on Create a Lead Generation Card.

  • Once in the editor, you can customize the description, the text of the call to action and the image. Also, it is important that you also include the URL of your website so that the user can learn more about your offer. In this case, of a landing page.
  • It is recommended that you include a thank-you page in which the user can download what they have given you their data. If you do not have a thank-you landing page, you can indicate that you will send it by email. Remember that to capture leads with ads on social networks it is very important that you transmit assurance and trust
  • Email platform marketing URL. Although it is optional, if you work with an email marketing platform, it is recommended that you link it. Thus, the leads that you are capturing will be added automatically.

3.- Instagram

Instagram Lead Ads are ads to capture leads that are deployed on Instagram. It is the new way that businesses have to attract potential customers in this social media. This is the Instagram version of the Facebook Lead Ads.

Although Instagram is the role model of marketing with influencers or more visual campaigns, the ads also work. Capturing leads with ads on social networks like this one is more than effective.

To get started with Instagram Lead Ads, you must start by going to the Facebook ad manager. From there, you must follow the following steps:

  • Set a goal. As what interests you is to capture potential customers, the option you must choose is Lead Generation“.
  • Target audience. The more segmented your target is, the better results your campaign will have.
  • Set the budget, start and end date, and where to show your ads. In case you choose the option of “automatic locations”, it will be Facebook who decides if it is better to place your ad in the Facebook or Instagram feed. This decision is based on your interactions with the audience.
  • Create your ad. Whichever format you choose, you must consider certain characteristics:
    • Your ad can not exceed 300 characters. And this includes hashtags.
    • The recommended resolution of the images is 1080 x 1080 pixels. The minimum is 600 x 600 pixels.
    • Videos must have a resolution of at least 720 pixels. Also, its duration should range between 3 and 30 seconds.
    • If you have thought about a sequence of images, choose them carefully.
    • Keep to square images.
    • Test your options before finally launching them.
  • Write the text of the ad. It is the “register” or “sign up” button, in which users will click to access the form.
  • Create the form.

4.- LinkedIn

Lastly, to capture leads with ads on social networks, LinkedIn is another platform that can help you. One of the features of LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms allows you to select what information to request. That is, users who browse the social network can instantly send you different data.

Imagine knowing all the professions, locations, and backgrounds of your most recent leads. The level of information you get goes beyond what a simple form can provide. With all this information within your reach, you can develop highly personalized campaigns.

How to create a LinkedIn Lead Gen Form campaign

The steps to generate a LinkedIn campaign of this kind are:

  • To create the campaign, you will have to go to the LinkedIn start panel and click on the “Advertise” button, located in the upper right section of the toolbar.
  • Click on “Create new sponsored content”.
  • Select the content you want to sponsor and click on “Create a new template”.
  • Configure the form.
  • Choose which fields you want information about.
  • Set up a thank-you message. It is recommended that you include the URL of a specific landing page.
  • Choose a CTA button to include in your ad.

As you can see, each social network specializes in some or other feature. However, to choose the right one you must think, first of all, where your target audience moves and how to impress them to get the data.

Even so, you should never drop the rest of the traditional techniques of capturing leads. Capturing leads with ads on social networks is vital nowadays. However, other techniques for capturing leads are still useful and effective. If you work with all of them, your benefits will be even greater.

Do you need to capture more leads at less cost? At Antevenio Go! we include all the tools that are arising and that help our customers generate valuable leads. On top of that, we have the technology, experience, methodology, and human resource to create multiple landing pages optimized for each ad group in Adwords, Social Ads, and other recruitment channels. We work based on results.

Do you want us to help you boost your sales through digital marketing?