How to create a YouTube channel: a practical guide

April 30, 2019
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Creating a YouTube channel has been one of the steps that many marketing managers have dared to give in 2018. This is especially important if we take into account the data that supports its potential, which points out that video marketing improves profitability.

If you are still unsure, the most likely thing is that you will create a YouTube channel after reading this post in order to work on these strategies. Otherwise, they will remain incomplete.

Particularly, all those strategies oriented to content.

One of the myths about content marketing is thinking that creating a blog or a newsletter is enough, while forgetting about a platform with greater reach, YouTube, which is a channel that not so many dare to use.

But consider the following information: with one billion users and four billion daily views, do you have doubts whether your target will watches YouTube videos?

Unlike other types of content, video marketing is not so saturated and this is the best thing about this platform. But why?

The resources and time needed for each channel are very different. For example, writing a valuable post is relatively easy and cheap. However, creating a quality video with good images, complete edition and good sound, requires more effort.

Although the impact you will achieve with a text is not relevant if you compared it with the impact of a video without a doubt.

Video marketing in data

  • YouTube is positioned as the second search engine, with only Google ahead. It generates 4,000 million daily visits.
  • Nearly one third of people who use the internet are YouTube users.
  • 90% of users who use social networks watch online video.
  • 80% is more likely to have your brand in their top of mindafter watching a video.
  • The behavior towards a product or service of 45% improves once they have seen a video about it.
  • Additionally, users are also more likely to want to learn more about you after watching a video. 26% of those who watch a video will search you on Google afterwards, and more than 20% will visit your website.
  • On the other hand, if your product card includes a video, you will:
    • Raise your conversion ratio up to 120%.
    • After watching a video, 64% of users are more predisposed to purchase the product online.

How to create a YouTube channel?

1.- YouTube access and configuration

The first thing you should do is go to and sign in using your Gmail account. If you do not have an account, you can create it and continue.

Next, click on your own profile and go to “Settings. You will find yourself in the configuration menu, where you can start working to create a YouTube business channel.

Here, you will find a window like the one on the image. It is important that you place yourself on the “Overview” option from the left menu. Also, it is advisable that you fill in all the information required. Google loves having full profiles. You should not forget to do this.

If you look at the “Additional functions,” you will see that you can create a new channel. That’s where you should click on.

2.- Creation of the channel

Creating a YouTube channel is very easy. The platform itself will guide you in all the steps so you are able to do it.

The first thing that you will be asked to do is create a business account. Here, the most important thing is the name. But do not worry; you will be able to edit it later. It is, simply, a first step to add details to your profile little by little.

Additionally, the platform will also make you to choose a category in which you want to position yourself. You can choose among many, but it is best to opt for the one that best defines your business, values and purposes best.

Once you accept the terms and conditions, you will have created a YouTube channel.

3.- Become familiar with the platform

If you click on the small menu at the upper left margin, next to the YouTube logo, you access the main menu to see your work.

On the other hand, a little further down, you will find the control panel with all your channel’s main functions. It is very important that you add personality attributes to your profile. Only then will your SEO improve and you will be able to attract your target. However, there is something that you cannot ignore. It is your channel ownership verification.

4.- Verification of channel ownership

Let’s go step by step.

Right now, you are in the Studio Creator. You will have to go to the main menu and click on My channel to reach your profile. The following steps are very simple:

  • Once there, click on the option “Video Manager, located on your profile image and header.
  • You will reach a screen where the Studio Creator will be located on your left. Click on “Channel” to continue with the verification.
  • You will see your profile and, next to your photo, a small “Verify“ button. Click on it.

Verification is completed in two steps and although it is very simple, to create a YouTube channel in the most complete and safe possible way, it is important that you consider some factors.

  1. You must include the country in which you really are. You cannot create a YouTube channel stating that you are somewhere else.
  2. When you include your phone number, you do not have to include the country code (+34).
  3. You decide whether you want to receive the verification code via voice or text message.
  4. If your number has been previously used to create another channel, it is best to use a new number.
  5. Make sure you control that phone number. Keep in mind that it is very likely that YouTube will use your cell phone as an access control.

5.- Tips to optimize your profile and your contents

To start, it is important that you fill all the information the platform requires when creating a YouTube channel. This includes profile and header photos, links to other networks, including your website, etc.

Once your profile is optimized, you need to start working on it and create content that really attracts your potential audience. For that, you must keep in mind certain steps.

Where is your audience?

Like any other content marketing strategy, it is essential to be clear about who you are going to target if you wish to meet your goals. Therefore, before creating a YouTube channel, you should establish certain matters.

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What do they need? What are their motivations? And their problems?
  • What kind of videos could interest my target, solve all their doubts and satisfy their needs?
  • What can I offer to get those users to subscribe and stay with me?

Create powerful videos

In this sense, it is important that you are familiar with the most effective YouTube video marketing strategies. In this way, you will not only learn how to optimize your company profile and take advantage of each video you upload, but you will also collect some ideas when it comes to creating your videos.

You can bet on:

  • Video tutorials.
  • Reports and interviews.
  • Listings.
  • Anecdotes that humanize your brand.
  • Or promotions.

Master this platform’s SEO

To create a YouTube channel that guarantees results for you, you will have to start with the basics. For example, headlines.

Headlines are not only important for your landing pages or you email marketing campaigns. They also have relevance in the world of audiovisual contents. Only then you will be able to establish a good positioning strategy. Therefore, besides including the correct keywords, you must be creative.

The best way to improve your positioning is by including your keywords in the video description. It is not necessary to transcribe all the content, but it is advisable to write a brief summary or outline of what you are going to talk about.

Be careful with links

How can you make sure that, once they have watched your video, the users will reach the landing page you want?

Each video description is very important in this process. The most advisable thing to do is to include links that take the users to your website or the corresponding landing pages in the description of each video.

Doing this, you will be able to direct traffic to your website from other channels.

As you can see, YouTube is a winning bet for your brand. Betting on a different form of communication will allow you to position yourself in a different way and capture an audience that you might have left behind.

Additionally, YouTube is a brand of Google. This means that your activity in this channel will allow you to be seen in a better light by the search engine giant. More YouTube means more Google and this will have a positive effect.

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