Category Archive for "Sin categoría"

Types of contents and how the brain processes them

Do you know what types of content are the correct ones for your digital marketing strategies? Texts, videos, infographics, images… there are many types of content to choose from. In fact, based on the platform or medium in which you…

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What is Black Hat SEO?

In order to understand what Black Hat Seo is, you must first understand what SEO represents within any digital marketing strategy. The acronym SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  refers to organic searches. Analyzing SEO is necessary to understand ​​how your digital marketing…

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What is affiliate marketing? A Practical Guide

Affiliate marketing is one of the types of digital marketing based on obtaining results. This means that the advertiser doesn’t pay for impressions or clicks but for the results obtained. In this case, the websites, called affiliates, are responsible for…

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