Category Archive for "Performance"

How to captivate clients for the online fitness industry

It doesn’t matter if you just got your Sports Science diploma, if you just opened a new gym, or you are a personal coach or are a sports physiotherapist. Captivating the client’s attention in the fitness industry will always be…

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How to advertise on Spotify? All the keys

Advertising on Spotify can be one of the keys to success for many brands with interest in a specific type of audience. Spotify has moved quickly to the forefront of the music streaming industry. Companies are taking advantage of the…

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The best techniques for an NGO to attract members

There are very diverse techniques for NGOs to attract members. The key aspect is to use the content, an appropriate message to make your NGO’s cause be known and attract new members, collaborators, donors or volunteers. You need to consider…

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6 reasons why Google may penalize your website

When Google does not place your website as high as you expect, you might wonder what are your doing wrong. Knowing what you are doing wrong in order to fix it and obtain a good result in Google’s web positioning…

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Marketing performance strategies for the banking sector

As the year 2018 starts, you need to accept that digital marketing is one of the most used marketing techniques, regardless of whether it is used by a startup or a well-established global brand. Specially, because the days fly by…

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Generation Z, the Young people that make millennials old

It is named “generation Z” to the people who accomplish the following characteristics: They were born between 1994 and 2010. They have lived attached to a smartphone. They use the internet either for socializing as for study. They are starting…

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5 ways to speed up the loading speed of your web page

The loading speed of a web is one of the crucial aspects nowadays for factors as important as the positioning in search engines. If a company shows a web page that takes a long time to load, it has a…

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What is Google Analytics and how does it work

What is not measured can not be improved. That is why it is essential that, in an environment in which everything leaves its mark, you use the appropriate analysis tools. This is where Google Analytics comes into play. It is…

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What is performance marketing?

“Online Performance Marketing is an online marketing model in which the advertiser pays only for the results achieved.” The definition given by the performance Marketing Association, an organization to which they belong companies like Google, Yahoo !, Dell, eBay or…

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