Category Archive for "Digital Marketing"

What is kaizen methodology?

The kaizen methodology is a famous Japanese production system that made brands like Toyota, Sling or Sony revolutionize their industries. In fact, if you know you know what makes this remarkable system is its philosophy of continuous improvement. That is,…

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What are UTM codes and their purpose?  Guide

Maybe you haven’t noticed, but every day, there are more URL incorporating UTM codes. Their function is to help keep track of and analyze the users. With these codes, you’ll be able to know all there is about the traffic…

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25 Marketing Definitions

We can not speak of one, but of multiple definitions of marketing to point out everything that this concept supposes. Marketing has different meanings. Which does not indicate that it is not known what it really is or what it…

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12 tools to analyze Hashtags

Discover the best tools to analyze Hashtags is critical to get an effective online marketing campaign. Using hashtags is essential to capture users in your spaces on social networks. Especially in Twitter and Instagram. By identifying and good use of…

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20 fundamental KPIs in digital marketing

Because you will not know what to measure. Nor what values are those that matter and what needs to be achieved. According to its entry in Wikipedia, a KPI (key performance indicator, key performance indicator) “It is a measure of…

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12 tools to create digital content

Each day, you can find more and more tools in the market, to create digital content. Apps to create infographics, to improve your images, professional platforms for landing pages or tools to share documents in a team setting, are some…

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5 great examples of online marketing

One of the best ways to learn in the new digital ecosystem is to look at the campaigns that really stand out; those great examples of online marketing that run by word of mouth and that consequently makes them gain…

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The 10 best tools to create infographics

If you want to create spectacular infographics you will surely have to use some app. The tools to create online infographics are simple to use, include many functions and are usually free. Infographics help to visually show the information you…

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6 best content management systems (CMS)

If you are embarking on an online project, you’re probably looking for the best content management systems (CMS) for your work. In addition, it is no wonder considering that the Open Source content management systems have provided things for many…

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upload an application on Google Play

How to upload an application on Google Play

Currently there are millions of mobile applications that users can download from Google Play or Itunes. In fact, some apps are the star elements of many digital marketing strategies. In this post we will focus on explaining how easy it…

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