Category Archive for "Digital Marketing"

The digital consumer in 2019: gets to understand their needs better

The digital consumer in 2019 is not the same as the one in 2018. The Internet has been one of the most transformative innovations in the modern era, driving generational changes in the way consumers live and shop. Since then,…

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The 10 world brands with the most value

Global brands with more value have settled within the market and in the famous collective. These are empires that have known how to develop an excellent digital marketing strategy at the same time they established themselves as references. Also, we…

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Marketing experiential

What is experiential marketing?

In present times, marketing is focused on the client. His/her satisfaction is the focus for any company that wants to have a real impact on its users. A good relationship with the customer is essential to generate an experience that created…

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Augmented reality campaigns

10 most ingenious augmented reality campaigns

Augmented reality is fashionable. More and more brands are using augmented reality campaigns to have an impact on their potential audiences. Also, summer’s success that caused millions of people to hunt Pokémons on the streets around the world has placed the…

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5 steps to create a link building strategy

Get external links that help you in your positioning in the main search engines. That is the basic objective of an adequate link building strategy. More and more brands are aware of the value that appearing within the first organic results…

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Digital marketing habits

20 habits of digital marketing leaders

The success of many strategies is based on developing good digital marketing habits, which is something usual for the main leaders of the sector. They are the people who devise and develop strategies in a very short time, who have…

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5 reasons why you should bet on marketing via chatbots

As digital marketing trends  for this new year point out, chatbots are about to change the way we communicate. They have already started doing it and this is not something new, but we have given it another use only now. Do you…

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Examples of marketing in the online luxury sector

Are you familiar with the best examples of marketing in the online luxury sector from which you can learn from? The luxury sector is a growing are with a very specific buyer persona. In accordance with the latest studies on…

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What is digital marketing and how is it used?

You probably already know what digital marketing is and what its purpose is. It is basically about trying to find effective ways to promote and sell products or services. But it is not as simple as it seems. As digital media…

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Digital marketing strategies to attract students

Are you familiar with the value of carrying out digital marketing actions in order to attract students? The importance of digital marketing in today’s world is already well-known for organizations and even schools. Users use digital and social platforms, hence the…

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