Category Archive for "Content & Influencer Marketing"

What is and how does Instagram TV works? A Quick Guide

If you still don’t understand that video content is the hottest thing right now, the moment you see Instagram TV you’ll get it. There’s no known limit for the billion-user app. Or at least, that’s what must be in Instagram’s…

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Taking advantage of Giphy: A practical guide

Making GIFs is easy if you follow the steps on this practical guide for Giphy, the best way to search, share and discover GIF documents on the internet. Similar to the way search engines work, almost all the content comes…

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All you need to know about YouTube Merchandise

In June of last year, YouTube announced that they increased the ways in which content creators could make money with the platform. The sources of income besides ads can come from members subscribed to the channels or YouTube Merchandise. “Ads…

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What is web scraping and what is it for?

Have you ever wondered what web scraping is?. It is a process that uses bots to extract content and data from a website. That way, the HTML code is extracted along with the stored data in the database. This means…

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Ten types of content that create the most engagement

Content marketing is the most effective promotion technique according to the Content Marketing Institute. That is thanks to the contents that create the most engagement. In fact, content marketing is capable of attracting potential clients at a cost that is lower than…

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How to make an advertising campaign on Instagram

It is clear that any brand has to be on Instagram. And they have to create content by feeding their profile almost daily. Why do we need to create an advertising campaign on Instagram? Because it is a super-effective way…

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Featured content marketing

The importance of a blog and of content generation on a corporate website

Generating content for your company’s website is one of the most important and unquestionable strategies in digital marketing. Did you know that 65% of the content created is difficult to find, has a poor appearance, or is unattractive to your…

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The best tips for positioning a site

Is your website not getting visits? Or, at least, not the ones you would like? You may need some advice to position a site that will help you appear within the first results of search engines. If you follow it,…

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Types of contents and how the brain processes them

Do you know what types of content are the correct ones for your digital marketing strategies? Texts, videos, infographics, images… there are many types of content to choose from. In fact, based on the platform or medium in which you…

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How to create a YouTube channel: a practical guide

Creating a YouTube channel has been one of the steps that many marketing managers have dared to give in 2018. This is especially important if we take into account the data that supports its potential, which points out that video…

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