Buy followers & likes on Instagram

May 03, 2018
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Buy followers and likes for Instagram

Instagram is a fashion social network in which a good number of users browse daily.  A channel in which likes are constantly there and followers are the ones who feed brands.  And then there’s your brand, with little traffic and few fans.  Should you buy followers and likes for Instagram in order to gain visibility?  Is this a good practice?  Will it give your business a push?

The truth is that achieving success in Instagram is one of the main objectives of many brands.  But making a space among those who dominate this platform is not easy.  And of course, less considering the uncountable competition.  Not to mention the demands of users, which are increasingly difficult to impact.

However, Instagram is a network through which your business can make a difference and connect more with your target.  In fact, it is one of the best social networks when it comes to reinforcing engagement.  But how to take advantage your profile if you hardly have any followers?

There are several factors that you must work to make your brand a success on Instagram.  Notwithstanding, there are also some alternatives.  Those who don´t have enough time or resources to devote to optimizing their profiles opt for faster routes.  And among them is to buy followers and likes for Instagram.

Is it advisable to buy followers and likes for Instagram?

Buy followers and likes for Instagram

We start from the basis that collecting information and first-hand data will always push you to make better decisions and obtain better results.  This practice is proven.  Email marketing strategies are a clear example of how to generate real impacts thanks to our own databases.  Since buying them doesn´t help at all.

So, what makes you think that buy followers and likes on Instagram will optimize your results?  The purchase of information, as with all types of strategies, runs the risk of attracting false data.  And far from helping you, that information will only block you.

Not only that.  Using bots to look like a powerful brand, could endanger the image of your business.  And we all know the hard work to earn a good reputation and how easy it is to spoil it.

The social networks´ beginnings are hard and it is difficult to be known and generate a community.  But when making a balance, probably buy followers and likes for Instagram has more disadvantages than advantages.

Real users vs. bots

Buy followers and likes for Instagram

The act of buying followers and likes for Instagram has generated many debates in recent times.  Brands such as Pepsi and Mercedes have been accused of buying fans, as well as several public figures.  And to win back the trust of the users is a very complicated job.

One of the main issues that you must take into consideration is that users who use this social network know it by heart.  What does this mean?  They will know exactly when you have decided to start your strategy of buying followers and likes for Instagram.

Millennials know all the tricks to optimize accounts on the social network.  Since in Instagram are the majority of users of this generation.

Stop thinking.  If you want to gain visibility on Instagram, it will be, largely, to get closer to this audience.  We already know how complicated it can be to surprise the Millennials.  Not to mention creating a bond with them.

Do you want to take a risk and become one of those brands that need to buy followers?  You will spoil everything and it will be very difficult to convince them otherwise.

How to detect bots

Maybe you’re wondering how users can know that your followers and likes are bought.  Look at the previous image.  It’s an empty profile, the typical bot.

The first thing you will notice when buying followers and likes on Instagram is that your fan list will increase with this type of users.  No profile picture, description or publications.  How strange that they have thousands of followers, right?

It is very easy to detect them.  Strange names, meaningless publications, thousands and thousands of followers with hardly any content… Those details that cause false accounts to be detected.

Behind the vast majority of these profiles, there is no one.  They are created to be sold and increase your fan list.  We will give you another example so that you realize how easy it is to detect bots.

You already know that Instagram now allows you to see the visualizations of the videos that are uploaded.  That is the exact number of reproductions.  Imagine if you find that a brand uploads a video that has got 10,000 likes.  But you notice and their reproductions do not exceed 50. Suspicious, right?  It will be a clear example of that brand has bought likes that have gone to that video.

And it’s useless to use applications that also grow your number of reproductions.  In the end, the truth comes to light.

What matters is quality, not quantity

Buy followers & likes on Instagram

In case you choose to buy followers and likes on Instagram you will be cheating yourself.  The main issue will be that you will not be creating a quality community.

Your profile will be much more effective and more useful if you have 100 loyal followers that interact with your brand than 1,000 that are useless.  In fact, one of the disadvantages of this practice is that your image will also be impaired.

We already know that when a user visits a profile with many followers, content and, above all, interactions, it immediately captures their attention or creates curiosity.  And now profiles are judged in this way.  The more followers and likes you have, more popular you will be.

From this fact, we could say that buy followers and likes for Instagram could have a good thing.  Apparently, you can give the popular brand image on Instagram.  And that can make more users see it and start following you.

Tricks to get followers without buying them

Buy followers & likes on Instagram

A year ago we shared with you in Antevenio Spain 10 tips to make your brand a success on Instagram.  You must take into account each one of them if you want to increase your community and reinforce the engagement.

Nevertheless, if you are looking for followers without having to buy them, there are several other ways.  They are not 100% instant but through them, you can get more followers.  In fact, once you get them, working the tips that we give you can keep them with you.

First of all, remember that perseverance is the foundation of your success.  It is never easy to differentiate from others and everything entails your work.  Even major brands publish an average of 4.9 messages per week in this social network, according to Forrester data.  Therefore, follow this example and start working your contents.

Use all your communication channels

To begin, use email marketing and your other social networks to communicate to your audience that you have a new Instagram profile.  Also, link the accounts and make in each communication the user can access your profile.

The like for like and the follow to follow can work

But always being subtle.  Users who comment on photos of others asking or almost begging a like become spam.  A good alternative is that you look at the profiles of your competition and you look at the users who have liked their publications.

In the end, if you like what your competition has and does, you will have to like what you offer.  This way you can start to give likes to those profiles.  Simply to let you know and get the attention of those users.

Then it will be in your hands to follow you or return the like, but rest assured that you will know that you exist and will visit your profile if they didn´t know you.

Use hashtags to increase your followers

Hashtags are one of the most important elements in Instagram.  The percentage of interactions is higher as more hashtags there are in a message.  In fact, posts with 11 hashtags or more get 79.5% of interactions per 1000 followers.

Hashtags help Instagram users discover new content and new accounts to follow.  Therefore, the use of the correct hashtag will expose your brand to larger audiences.  According to a research by Simply Measure, posts with at least one hashtag averaged 12.6% more interaction than those without hashtags.

Instagram advertising

It´s possible that part of your target audience is browsing through this social network.  And is that a month, more than 600 million users join the platform.  For this reason, another of the options with which to get followers and likes is through ads on InstagramHow will your target know that you are there if you have not even made yourself known?

If you need advising services on how to get more followers on Instagram, find out here.

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