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11 effective email marketing subjects

11 effective email marketing subjects

As we wrote in a post about the composition of effective messages for email marketing, the title or subject of every email is what first draws the attention of the recipient, so it influences significantly in the increase or decline…

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Send bulk emails with Gmail

Send bulk emails with Gmail

If you are reading this is because you have asked yourself how to send bulk emails with Gmail. Although before you do so, is interesting that you know all the options that exist. As well as the advantages and disadvantages…

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creative banner

20 examples of creative banners

Creative banners are one of the basic elements in digital advertising. However, while it’s very useful it also has a very limited time of exposure to the user so it must be something very studied to catch the customer in…

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What’s an Insight? Marketing definitions

It is almost impossible to define what an insight is without setting an example in between. It’s that something you didn’t know you knew about yourself. A need that was inside you but you didn’t know it. An innate behavior…

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Facebook’s video copyright: How to prevent your video from being used without permission

The latest figures indicate that in 2016, 100 million hours of video were already being viewed every day on Facebook, a fact that reaffirms the commitment of the colossus of social networks to video content. Not in vain, globally, it…

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Buy followers & likes on Instagram

Instagram is a fashion social network in which a good number of users browse daily.  A channel in which likes are constantly there and followers are the ones who feed brands.  And then there’s your brand, with little traffic and…

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6 examples of extraordinarily successful marketing campaigns

We live in the era of consumption. In the West, we are accustomed to being progressively improving the quality of life. We have more and more needs that we impose on ourselves or on society itself. That’s why the advertising…

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The 5 best blogging platforms

The 5 best blogging platforms

Nowadays, many people venture to create a blog to give their opinion, talk about things that interest them or simply to express their experiences. The reasons for creating a blog can be many and on the Internet, you have numerous…

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Subliminal messages

10 advertising and marketing examples with subliminal messages

The subliminal message is one of the elements that most attract attention in advertising, film, art or television. A subliminal message is a message or signal designed to pass below (sub) the normal limits (liminal) of perception. Among its examples,...Read More