Guide to choose the best hashtags

December 06, 2018
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In recent years, there have been many terms that have joined the digital marketing dictionary. In fact, most of them must seem unfamiliar to someone outside this environment. But there is one that does: the hashtags. Hence the need for a guide for choosing the best hashtags to help your digital marketing campaign succeed.

A hashtag is just a concept that includes a keyword after the pound sign (#). They were initially famous for Twitter. Now they have become a must for other social networks. In fact, brands must make use of the best hashtags if they want their strategies to provide exciting results.

What makes hashtags so powerful?

When hashtags emerged and assumed a new concept, Chris Messina, a worker from Google realized the value that this would have on next years. In fact, he wrote an Article explaining that the channel concept the hashtags was covering would meet many of the group discussions needs.

So it was. Especially on Twitter, the network that launched this new concept. The author also highlighted its ease of use and accessibility. Dropping how in later years would give much to talk about. A decade later, the best hashtags are the perfect allies for brands. They can help you get more visibility, increase your reach and create successful campaigns.

The key is to use them with sense and moderation, as long as they add value. Excessive use of hashtags can cause the opposite effect that is intended to achieve. In fact, hashtags may vary depending on the social network in which you want to launch your strategy.

Then we made a summary of the best use for each social network. This will make you choose the best hashtags to get the results you want.

Guide to use the best hashtags on Twitter

Using Twitter could hardly be understood without the use of hashtags. Tweets that include hashtags get twice engagement than those who do not incorporate them. Twice retweets, clicks, favorites, and answers.

Therefore, considering the power of this technique, you must include it whenever you use this platform as a channel to launch your strategies.

However, you should not overdo their use. The recommended amount of hashtags per tweet is one or two. If you use more, the engagement will fall by 17%. However, with one or two, the engagement will be higher, reaching 21%. Besides, the probability that your message gets retweeted with one or two hashtags is 55%.

A hashtag on Twitter relates multiple conversations with other users on a single line. So, if Twitter users talk about the same topic using a specific hashtag, your tweets will appear. And the best way to gain visibility fortraffic content.

Following the concepts that are the most popular of the day to discuss the best hashtags. Indeed, they will take you beyond your circle.

How to find the hashtags that give more to talk about?

The first option is to check the Trending Topic column. The list may change depending on what topic people are talking about. Therefore, you will know what hashtag to join at all times. des, you can change your geographic status to know what people are talking out of your environment. Any other topic of interest may be more related to what your brand conveys.

Another alternative is to use tools to identify the best hashtags. They can always be good allies when developing strategies. Here are some of those that can be the best help on Twitter:

This tool will provide all kinds of analytical data about the most used hashtags in the last 24 hours. What can be really good for your strategy is that this tool not only shows you the most popular hashtags, it also indicates what type of users are using it. This way you can easily find your target audience and choose the best hashtags to make sure you get them.

2.-Rite Tag

RiteTag allows you to analyze a hashtag and know all the information about your scope and popularity. Thus, through colors, they point at youhashtag you can use. So you can decide on the most powerful from this list.

How to choose the best hashtags on Facebook?

The use of hashtags on Facebook has not been implemented until a couple of years ago. Moreover, unlike Twitter, on this platform hashtagsincluded them.

As time has gone in social media, hashtags have become popular on Facebook. As in Twitter, the key is not to exceed two hashtags per publication. This way you will achieve more interaction and engagement with other users.

Why use hashtags on Facebook?

  1. To generate conversations in an event. You may find this strategy very useful if you are preparing a conference or an event to unveil some new product or service of your brand. You can make it easy for users to have access to conversations and have feedback with them.
  2. Lean on hashtags to publicize summaries or statistics. You can share with users different highlights of your brand, statistics, acknowledgments or, ask for opinions.
  3. They will help you achieve a greater reach of your publications. As users use your hashtags, you gain visibility. Your content will reach people who do not follow you on your Facebook page so you will be exposed to more users to impact.
  4. Create a hashtag for your brand. One of the best uses of hashtags on Facebook and on any social network is to create one for your own brand. Encourage your followers to use it. This will help you build engagement and reinforce your brand image.

How to create a hashtag for your brand?

Finding the perfect hashtag of your brand starts by creating a list of keywords that defineon hashtag business. Then find those keywords on social networks relevant to your audience. We recommend you start on Twitter because, as you saw, is the most critical platform on hashtaguse.

You can help yourself by using the different tools that we’ve proposed to see what the most potent hashtags are, which ones generate more traffic or what kind of users mention them.

Also, to create them, you can find your  support in your web. Get inspired by it. Your own website can give you clues about the keywords you can use.

Look at your competition. Look at their hashtags. If they are created by themselves or if they use generic hashtags. Knowing this kind of behaviors will help to differentiate from others. Another of our recommendations is that you have to take notice of the influencers. When they use a particular hashtag, it means something.

To help you in choosing the best hashtags you can use a tool that will help you come up with the perfect hashtag for your brand: tagboard.

This tool allows you to view all the conversations that are generated around your hashtag on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Once you have chosen the hashtag to use, you will have access to a panel that will show in real time the publications in which the same hashtag appears.

This way you can make optimal monitoring and check whether if they work or not

How to use hashtags on Instagram

Hashtags are one of the most essential elements in Instagram where also curious facts occur: Interaction rate is higher when a message has more hashtags. In fact, posts with 11 or more hashtags obtained 79.5% of interactions per 1000 followers.

Hashtags help Instagram users to discover new content and new accounts to follow. Therefore, using the correct hashtag will expose your brand to larger audiences. According to a Simply Measure study, publications with at least one hashtag averaged 12.6% more interaction than those without hashtags.

How to choose the right hashtags to Instagram?

Everything depends on the area where your brand moves. For example, imagine you are the Community Manager of a travel agency. There are many popular hashtags on Instagram for those who travel frequently:

Use the hashtags in your post with the number of tags you want, and you may get more likes than you thought. However, if you are looking to increase interaction and get quality followers, you must use more specific hashtags. Everything will depend on the hashtags your target is looking for.

We suggest the following tips to find them:

  1. Check what hashtags your competitors use. You may find something new to include in your repertoire or otherwise, can see alternatives to differentiate from others.
  2. Check out the influencers whenever you can. These people are already settled in the world of social networks; why not follow those footsteps to gain notoriety?
  3. Consider related hashtags. Exploit publications that contain hashtags that gave you good results. Search for associated trends that can also be included in future publications.
  4. Use the search function. Search for your own keyword in the search bar and select the ‘tags‘ tab. The social network itself will provide a list of hashtags that include your keyword and the number of publications that have been used.

When it comes to choosing Instagram hashtags, the golden rule is only used hashtags that are relevant to your brand, industry and target audience.  As recommended by, Hootsuite – Hashtags Complete Guide for Business, among others

On the other hand, you should be aware that there are specific hashtags that will help you get more followers. In fact, there is a list of the most common hashtags used Instagram with which you can gain visibility. Among them, #Love  is one of the most popular.

Nevertheless, does your brand has something to do with this hashtag? You may not accomplish the right audience if you use the most generic and popular hashtags. You have to stand out with the hashtags that define your sector in the best possible way.

Hashtags on Google+

Google+ automatically includes hashtags on the contents.  You can use this hashtags not only to comment but also allows you to search for these tags.

For any digital marketing responsible, one of the most exciting aspects of this channel is that it includes an element that other networks do not have: The hashtags related. This way you will know which tags are being used more so you can talk about issues that matter to your strategy.

However, on overall levels, do not forget that for writing the best hashtags, prior planning work is required. However, if you want your strategies to gain visibility, increase your reach and create successful campaigns, you will have to start to know what the best steps for each social network are. The following graphics can give you a clue about the power of a great hashtag:

Finally, another aspect you should consider to choose the best hashtags is one of the essential conditions for amplifying your message in content marketing platforms as Coobis does to relate to brands and media.

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