25 Marketing Definitions

October 16, 2018
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We can not speak of one, but of multiple definitions of marketing to point out everything that this concept supposes. Marketing has different meanings. Which does not indicate that it is not known what it really is or what it refers to.

The issue is that it covers so many questions that there is no fixed definition to describe it. In fact, since the beginning of marketing as a science, we have tried to find a global phrase to shape it. Each of them focuses on some of its characteristics depending on its objectives, so it always tends to be more towards some uses than towards others.

Marketing as such encompasses a wide range of concepts. These include strategies, audiences, insights, trends or segments. And each marketing manager will focus on any of these aspects to cover their needs.

The transformation of the concept to digital

Therefore it is normal for professionals to have several definitions of marketing based on their interests. It has so many nuances that it is tough to opt for a specific meaning. And besides, if that was not enough with what until now was this concept, with the rise of new technologies marketing has undergone a transformation.

Digital marketing is born and lives of trends, innovations and the advancement of science. If it was already challenging to choose between one of the definitions of marketing in a more traditional framework, now it is almost impossible. What to do then if we want to absorb the essence of this concept?

The best thing is to know the most significant number of opinions and definitions of marketing that have been given over the years to find their essence. So, in addition to making a more general idea of everything that encompasses, you can compare their changes over the years.

Marketing definitions

 1.- American Marketing Association

For the AMA, marketing is the activity and the set of institutions and processes to create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for customers, customers, partners and society in general.

2.- Robin Korman, Vicepresidente de Global, Loyalty, and Partnerships

“Marketing is the practice of increasing awareness of buying and repurchasing a product or service through consumer-oriented benefits. We already use advertising, packaging, price rates or promotions.”

Korman assures that marketing historically was a unidirectional interaction. But that is becoming increasingly noticeable how it becomes bidirectional. “This has happened through the use and influence of the media, and viral marketing feeds.”

3.- B. L. Ochman, Director de What’s Next

This is one of the definitions of marketing that touches more aspects. For B.L.Ochman, “marketing is everything a company does. From how they answer the phone, if they do it quickly, how they use email or even how they deal with the bills they have to pay. , it also affects his dealings with customers.”

Marketing is not a discipline or an activity,” he concludes, “it’s everything a company is, or at least everything it does if it wants to succeed.”

4.- David Meerman Scott, Real-Time Marketing, and PR

“Marketing is to understand consumers very well. From there, products, services and information are created to solve their problems “.

5.- Peter Shankman, Customer Service – New Rules for a Social-Enabled World

When marketing is developed correctly, it means that you create impressive experiences around your brand or your products. In this way, people who are not connected to your brand want to tell others how amazing you are and that the cycle starts again “.

6.- Philip Kotler

The father of modern marketing provides one of the most complete definitions of marketing: “the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential. It pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving best, and it designs and promotes the appropriate products and services. ”

This means that for him, marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating and contributing value to meet the needs of a specific target and thus achieve a benefit.

identifies the segments to which the brands are capable of satisfying and designs and promotes the products and services appropriate for them.

7.- Lee Odden, General Director of TopRank Online Marketing

Following the most current definitions of marketing, we come to the following:

It is the practice of creating value for the mutual benefit. On the one hand to meet the needs of the consumer and, on the other, the business objectives. This means that you have to know the target, its consumption, and share and take advantage of its habits and behaviors to impact it with the relevant communications “.

8.- Bill Tanner, Director of Strategic Research of A.B.Belo

Marketing from a scope perspective refers to anything that modifies the value of a product or service. From perspectives that move the demand curve to the right to others that reduce the elasticity of the same “.

9.- Shennandoah Diaz, Mayhem Professor

Marketing has little to do with suppliers and has a lot to do with the client. It is a science that tries to educate and engage consumers, satisfying their needs and, at the same time, positioning the brand as a source of trust “.

10.- Marjorie Clayman

Marjorie Clayman, Director of Customer Development at Clayman Advertising, leaves us with one of the most interesting marketing definitions: “It’s who builds your brand, convincing people that your brand (that is, your product/service/company) is the better and protects the relationships you build with customers.”

11.- Julie Barile, Fairway Market Vice-president

“The most traditional Marketing encompasses the means by which an organization communicates, with which it connects and through which it engages with its target to transmit its values and sell its products. However, since the appearance of digital media, more and more people are working on companies that build deeper, more meaningful and lasting relationships with those interested in their business. ”

Barlie says that the media complicates the ability of marketing managers to sell themselves, but at the same time presents an opportunity to cover new territory. Do you agree?

12.- Matt Blumberg, President, and CEO of Return Path

For Blumberg, when marketing is well done, it encompasses the company’s strategy, its value proposition, the market strategy, the positioning of the brand and the reputation it has for the rest of the world.

Therefore, it ensures that when marketing is not done correctly, it becomes an endless amount of advertising and promotions of pending tasks. Unfilled.

The ideal and what it supposes in the 21st century is something that should be able to be evaluated, measured. Something that should encourage compliance with the objectives of each business.

13.- Sally Falkow

It is all focused on the client. Social networks have made this happen. The markets have become conversations, and marketing is consolidated from knowing this market. The right product is created, it is encouraged to buy it, and a need is created and, ultimately, marketing consists of letting the right people know that you have what they need so much“.

14.- Steve Dawson

Marketing is products that do not return and consumers who do.”

15.- Anne Holland, Advertiser in WhichTestWon

For Holland, marketing is a very general term that covers the following issues: “Research, branding, public relations, advertising, direct responses, promotions, loyalty, and demand.”

16.- Doreen Moran, Digital Strategist

Look at this definition. Summarize the essence of all the definitions we can give you: “Marketing is about helping your consumers understand how much they need something they did not even know they needed.”

17.- María Elena Bianco

It includes research, selection, communication (advertising and direct mail) and often public relations. Marketing is to sales what the farm is to a farmer “.

18.- Ari Herzog, politics and Communication specialist

Marketing is about knowing the customer so well that there is no doubt that he will read your newsletter, share it with his friends, carry a business card in his wallet and interact with you on your Facebook page.”

19.- Renee Blodgett

“Marketing is an excellent way to identify what engages people and what causes them enthusiasm. From there you will only have to give it to them, make them participate in the process and build relationships with them “.

20.- Joey Lazzeto

In short, marketing is defined as the help we provide to people to sell more things.”

21.- Gini Dietrich, General Director of Artment Dietrich

We come to one of the clearest, most concise and real definitions of marketing. “Marketing is the brand, the name, the pricing, and the bridge between paid and earned media. It’s not sales. “

22.- Mike Sprouse, Marketing Director of Epic Media Group

Sprouse tells us the following. For him, marketing, in general, refers to all communication and information about a product or service aimed at an audience.

Ensures that effective marketing consists of bidirectional communication that combines art and science. “It is a discipline without the final game that must constantly be tuned, adjusted and tested,” he adds.

The key to achieving an optimal marketing strategy is to ensure that the communication mix is the right one for your brand, your product or your service. And in this way, also understand how you can better interact with your customers.

23.- Jay Baer, The Now Revolution

The president of Convince & Convert, Jay Baer leaves us one of the shortest marketing definitions in his book The Now Revolution. “Marketing is the messages and/or actions that cause messages and/or actions.”

24.- Liz Strauss, Founder of SOBCon and Executive Director of Out Thinking

Among the definitions of marketing, we come to Liz Strauss, who states the following. “Marketing is building an offer that you know you can deliver consciously and you can make your audience love you.”

He adds that “you constantly work to polish, adjust and detail those offers so that they are irresistible, removing what is not needed and incorporating what your target seeks. Thus, the extraordinary value is built on something that only you can provide “.

25.- Deborah Weinstein, Strategic Objectives President

“Marketing creates relationships between consumers and brands. Many disciplines enter the process and together create a brand personality designed to be compatible with the goal.”

As you can see, there are many definitions of marketing, and each of them refers to different aspects. With which you stay?

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