How to captivate clients for the online fitness industry

February 25, 2020
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It doesn’t matter if you just got your Sports Science diploma, if you just opened a new gym, or you are a personal coach or are a sports physiotherapist. Captivating the client’s attention in the fitness industry will always be one of your main objectives. Your fitness business can’t grow without a marketing plan. Your fitness business can’t grow without a marketing plan. Or at least some marketing strategies.

Maybe you believe that by only training your clients is enough to get new ones. And this might be true, but what if, instead of only getting clients with your work, you also try getting potential new clients through other means?

If you want to “help” more people and increase your impact and income, it’s reasonable to think in a serious marketing plan that will help you get more clients for your fitness industry. Introducing all the necessary strategies to do so.

Many people in the industry struggle to grow their business because they don’t have a commercial model backing the income they want to get. You’ll see how this changes the moment you start tracking goals and achieving them. Spend some time thinking about what you want to get and what business structure to follow. Meaning, the structure fitting the best to your objectives.

Strategies to captivate clients for the fitness industry

There are hundreds of ways you can open a path through the sports field, especially in the current digital world. When it’s about plans related to exercise, there are many interesting and attractive campaigns that you could try.

The key to grow a successful business is through consistency, action and the capacity to use your creativity to keep going and work in the ideas that keep coming up. If you decide to use some of these strategies, you’ll see some important changes, not only in your income, but also in your impact. You need an open mind to try new things constantly. And don’t be afraid to do some trial and error.

Through digital marketing, you can focus and promote your brand to an ideal audience through different channels. These are some ways to captivate clients for the fitness industry:

1.- You have to be a source of free and high-quality content

When you want to captivate clients for your fitness industry and stand out from the rest, trust is the key. It’s important to create some trust first. Connect with your audience. If your website is perfectly designed but offers no value, forget about getting new leads. You need to offer something the users might find interesting, at least interesting enough to give you their email.

If you are a nutritionist, give away some healthy recipes. If you are a personal trainer an option could be a 1-week training program. Or if you are a gym owner, you could offer some membership discounts. Any option is fine, as long as it’s interesting to the users. This will help you get their emails.

2.- The video is the perfect communication channel

To captivate clients for your fitness industry the video format is the perfect choice.

Have in mind that emails including videos have a 96% higher percentage of click rate unlike ones without them.

The video is the perfect way to convey things in this field. Take full advantage of this. The key is to be coherent and use the video to add value for your audience. But first, it must be a high-quality video.

Make sure you are using live feed for training, testimonies and to share your life to create some engagement and trust with your clients. You can also add videos on your blog, or even send them to your email list. You have to provide good information, quality and remember it must be fun.

Clients might love the idea to learn the perfect posture for a squat or how to use certain machines, for example. The video is the most used channel in the industry.

3.- Offers with local companies

Create a list of around 50 local companies who have access to your target audience.  Choose the companies you’d like to create an offer with. There could be a kilómetro cero products store close to your business. That’s the perfect combo to have a healthy life.

Or maybe there’s a sports nutritionist around the corner. Maybe creating a complete plan might be a good idea. There are an infinite number of options to collaborate depending on what you do in this industry. Take advantage of this type of collaborations to create plans for your clients.

4.- Events

Even if social media is the perfect channel to achieve notoriety, don’t forget your offline connections. The only way to connect with someone face to face. Maybe your digital strategy is close to perfect, but if you don’t give it that human touch, it will be quite hard to get clients for your fitness industry.

Meet people at local events. Attend the events you think might offer better opportunities. Or you could even organize them yourself. It could be a free gym session, a nutritious breakfast or even a masterclass.

At the end of the event offer the attendees the option to reserve their spot for one of your classes. This is a way to get in touch with your clients for the first time. This will be the first big step to get the clients that might use your services.

5.- Check your CTA

What do your users want? To captivate clients for you fitness industry is necessary to understand the power you own. For the interested users you are an agent of change. The interested clients are looking to change their daily routines.

So, your call to action must follow the same structure. Instead of saying stuff like “hire my services” or any similar CTA, why don’t you try this? “Begin your transformation!”.

Think of the results your audience wants. A transformation. So, instead of offering a “free appointment”, which is the most common tactic at the moment, change your CTA to a free transformation session. Or any other option you might have in mind, but it must always be related with that power you have as an agent of change.

In this session, you can evaluate your clients and make a good guess of what they want. This will allow you to keep on thinking of new digital strategies for them. Understanding what they are looking for, what they like, doubts, etc.

6.- Create significant promotions

One of the best ways to get a new wave of new clients and businesses is to give them a reason to get in touch with you. And promotions are the perfect option. You could use any motive to launch them. The sports day, a course day, holidays, etc.

The key to a good promotion is a fun name, a time limit (24 hours, three days and seven days’ work well) or a limited time offer. Be creative and just do it. It’s also a good idea to learn what’s working and repeat the things that worked.

In a key moment, you might want to get in touch with your users once again, so it’s important to analyze these data. These data will allow you to get relevant information about the offer. You’ll need it for your following strategy.

7.- Be yourself, your identity is your essence

In a world that admires a perfect body and life, showing realism is key. People are looking for people who they can connect with. Real people with their own identity that exudes reality.

One of the best strategies is to interact with the audience in social media, in a very fun and real way. A way to connect with them. Show all types of info to let your clients know you are a real, flesh and bone person like them.

 8.- You can start an ad campaign

It’s understandable that if you are working in this industry, you might not know how ad campaigns works. Don’t be discouraged. People in this industry commonly struggle with Facebook ads, Instagram or even while uploading videos to YouTube. In the end, this takes time.

If that’s so, it’s important that these ads generate tons of clicks, and clicks create action. The key is to have a clear idea of the type of ad you want to create and with what purpose. Create something that builds trust and then make the ads to get leads. Think about other marketing strategies as well.

In Antevenio we can help you create quality leads with ad campaigns or even complete digital marketing campaigns. If you want your business to grow with the help of a professional, we can help you. We will help you create the best strategies to captivate clients for the fitness industry.

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