What is Digital Out Of Home (DOOH)?

November 26, 2019
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Digital Out of Home (DOOH) is ‘that’ future that you have seen so many times in movies such as Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, and that has been here for a long time. People in futuristic cities interacting with advertising screens as Tom Cruise in Minority Report is no longer fiction.

Advertising, a wanderer who has been moving from home to home, continuously seeks spaces where the consumer feels comfortable. Its main objective: to retain your attention, becoming more difficult every day.

From cinema to TV, later to the computer, then to mobile devices and from there to the fifth screen: the digital signage. A screen capable of capturing the eyes of those who pass by and adapt the advertising message to their needs.

The term Out of home refers to all advertising outside the homes. For example, billboards still can be seen on many roads. Thus, it is called Digital Out of Home to outdoor digital advertising. The descendant of out of home is an unprecedented disruptive process.

¿Digital Out of Home or Digital Signage?

Usually, these terms belong together. Digital Signage is the use of digital content projected through screens or other interactive devices. These screens can be plasma, LED, projectors or LCD monitors. When these devices are located outside and reproduce advertising, it is called Digital Out of Home.

Its location, well analyzed, will be in different points of sale or favorable public environments for brands to distribute their ads. All of them in real-time and dynamic, interactive and personalized. Thus, they offer relevant content for the customer and seek to influence their shopping itinerary.

One of the advantages of this technology is that it allows several messages to be launched simultaneously through the segmentation of data. It is also updated in real-time from anywhere through the internet.

Consumer experience

Comfort and immediacy are not the only advantages of Digital Out of Home. Thanks to this new type of advertising, the consumer’s mind can be influenced in a less intrusive way.

Previously, the goal was to reach your customers; now it is to get them to reach the brands. This is a challenge considering the overcrowding of advertising that consequently has led to these new strategies to approach the consumer.

The increasingly long advertisements on TV, banners, and pop-ups on the internet, emails that fill out… endless advertising channels that can generate rejection.

Not only the ad itself. Also, generic advertising does. The user wants a broader selection of the advertising he receives and just the ads that interest him. All this mayhem leads to low message retention.

Too many ads, too much information

There is so much information, and most of it of no interest, that the ability to remember them is getting worse. This becomes a Risk game, in which the brand develops strategies to attract your attention, and the consumer develops others to get rid of advertising.

Michael Goldhamer wrote an acclaimed article about the economics of attention. He said that the currency of the new economy is not money, but attention. Consumer attention has become the oil of resources.

In order to obtain the attention, the experience has to be emphasized, and for this, the generic messages must be left out. Using personalization and relevance is the best formula to retain your client.

Experiential marketing proposes this way out of boring and generic messages. This is another marketing discipline, also called emotional, it helps you by using strategies that make them inspire, contemplate, become aware … With this you will obtain love towards your brand, and therefore, they will take action with it.

What motivates a consumer?

You want to connect with the audience at the communication level so that the message reaches the client in the most emotional way possible. You also need to create a connection that translates not only in transactions, but engagement.

There are different ways to find out what motivates a consumer. One of them is the use of neurosciences with marketing. Neuromarketing, through its three types, visual, auditory or kinesthetic, allows knowing and better understand the mechanisms involved in the buying decision of your customers.

According to studies, more than 60,000 thoughts are processed daily, 1 per second. Of these, 95% are repetitive and 80% are negative. These influence the behavior of each person. Therefore, we must create positive impacts that lead to repetitive positive thoughts.

On a practical level, neuromarketing uses tools like these, mostly borrowed from clinical neuroscience:

  1. Eye-tracking, in which the eye movement is measured and heat maps are studied.
  2. Electromyography or analysis of the electrical response of the muscles
  3. Facial reading, to predict what is happening through gestures and small facial expressions since it is usual to reveal emotions by gesturing.
  4. Electroencephalogram, which monitors and records the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex, the surface of the brain.
  5. Electrocardiogram (EKG) or heart response to different stimuli, which allows observing the ‘wow’ effect of a product.

With the information obtained with these techniques, you will find out what motivates the consumer s you can design your digital out of home campaign.

DOOH Advantages

There are many advantages that DOOH offers. These are some of the most interesting that will help you discover if the Digital Out of Home fits your business model:

  • Advertising on a screen conveys modernity and innovation. The screens attract attention, they are different and original and convey product quality. They also make the experience enjoyable by allowing interactivity. In addition, they are ecological.
  • It increases the footprint of your brand and is closer to the consumer.
  • The consumer lives the experience in situ and is likely to take it with him.
  • The information is not aggressive since it is part of the daily life of the users. The screens become an element of the daily landscape and are part of that scenario in which they are the protagonists.
  • It allows us to analyze lots of data and optimize campaigns to achieve better results.
  • It is the best way to communicate a digital marketing strategy in a clear, creative and immediate way, opening the possibility of integrating social networks in real-time in the ad.
  • It offers a greater impact since the brain does not need to process it.

More advantages? Yes!

  • This platform generates immediacy. The campaign can be carried out remotely 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • It allows the campaign to be directed towards a specific audience according to the digital marketing plan. There is a potential to segment the communication, which can hardly be achieved with other more generalist media such as radio or television.
  • It is not a type of subliminal advertising. It is a direct and clear message, which triggers memories when buying.
  • It is ideal for those brands that create short duration campaigns. They can integrate animations and/or videos that change frequently.
  • Digital screens have very sharp image quality, allowing them to be perfectly appreciated over long distances. In this way, it will capture the attention of a large number of bystanders. If, in addition to its large size, it is well illuminated and in a strategic location, the results will be even better.
  • The message gets high impact 24 hours, the public highway allows it to display the advertising the whole day. If you take advantage of the medium, you can deliver a powerful message that causes a great impact on the people who see it.
  • It can be a complement to advertising in other media used in the campaign, such as television or radio.

Digital Out of Home Disadvantages

As in almost everything, the ying also has its yang, all that glitters is not gold. These are some of the disadvantages:

  1. The necessary investment. To achieve the best location you will have to pay for it.
  2. Availability. The screens with the best locations, lighting, and size are the most demanded.
  3. Limited message:  You cannot put too much text. The message has to be clear and concise.
  4. The campaign must be planned ahead of time to qualify for the best locations.

2 exciting success stories

Digital Out of Home rules everywhere you go. Even with these disadvantages, there are brands that have valued the advantages and added good planning to achieve success. These are two cases that had a lot of impact:

1.- British Airways

British Airways chose Picadilly Circus for this campaign. In the video, a child pointed to the sky while a plane of that company was coming through. Then, they displayed information on the flight number and where it came from. Shocking

2.- Desigual

More than 5,000 people were able to participate in the Desigual Night Run, in which videos, tweets and Instagram photos about the clothing brand were projected. You could see how people interacted through their mobile devices by sharing comments and photos of the event in real-time.

The Digital Out of Home is, without a doubt, a tool that will help you improve your relationship with your customers. Need help getting the most out of your DOOH campaigns? Antevenio can help you!

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