6 best content management systems (CMS)

August 14, 2018
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If you are embarking on an online project, you’re probably looking for the best content management systems (CMS) for your work. In addition, it is no wonder considering that the Open Source content management systems have provided things for many years.

If before creating a website seemed almost impossible, task of designers and expert programmers, now it is becoming easier. In addition to comfortable and affordable.

The choice among the best CMS has a similar value to choose one email marketing platform, Determined applications to manage your social networks or tools that exist for analyzing the competition online, among others.

At the time when you go for launching a blog or a website, you should consider several factors. It is true that without proper planning of strategies and channels, you are going to launch in your campaign and content will not get very far. However, stopping to compare and find the best CMS will help you optimize results.

It is one of the most important steps when throwing up yourself in the intangible world of Internet. In fact, it is linked with your Content Marketing Plan. It will not work properly without the correct choice of a good content manager. CMS will not make sense without a strategy that gives it life.

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

A Content Management System or CMS is a web application that enables the creation, management and publishing of content on a website. But best of all is that you can perform all these actions without advanced knowledge.

Best CMS are created to facilitate the work of webmasters. However, they include many advantages and facilities that more and more professionals manage it on their own. Allow you to edit text, images, and videos or even modify the design.

To choose among the best CMS is vital for your business. Note that is the basis of your online strategy. In addition, if this fails, everything else will fall into chain. However, if the choice is correct you will achieve your goals with greater ease and effectiveness.

Advantages of having a CMS

You know how it can help your business to work with one of the best CMS?

  1. Comfort and fluency updates. The nice thing about working with the best CMS is that you can create and update your content anytime.
  2. Using fully customizable templates. Both for content and for designing your own website. This is one of the parts that tend to scare if you have no knowledge. Now no need to be an expert in design.
  3. You will have a library. All files and different contents that go up to your web page will be saved.
  4. In addition, the best CMS include plugins to get even more out to all functionality.
  5. Work online. One of the advantages of working with digital is that you can easily share your work with other administrators.
  6. Greater chance of being found by Google. Best CMS are SEO friendly, so you will have several features and tools that will help you to optimize your content to search engines.

What are the best CMS today?

These are 6 choices that are more on everyone’s lips when talking about content management. Then you have the appropriate information to choose the one that suits your brand:

1.- WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular content managers. In fact, it serves thousands of users and web sites thanks to its flexible tools and easy to use interface.

Although it lacks basic web authoring tools, it has extremely useful adjuncts to quickly create functional e-commerce sites.

Its content approval tools, support for SSL and granular privileges protect your content. Limiting access by administrative levels, you set. WordPress has email verification, features automatic notification of problems and captcha tools to maintain safe place for the user.

Moreover, best of all is that WordPress has a lot of plugins and native or third-party add-ons.


  • It is very simple to use.
  • It also includes several templates.
  • Customization is very complete.
  • Many managers of web hosting offer it installed in their service.

If you decide on this web content manager, you should know that there are two options: wordpress.com and wordpress.org. The first option is more limited. It is a version suitable SAAS (software as a service) for beginners. The second, however, allows you to have multiple features to create a professional website.

2.- Magento

The content management system Magento is aimed to create attractive and powerful websites to ecommerces. To do so, it offers themed solutions ready and has an unlimited ability to customize the site to your own code. For this reason, businesses that are growing are a good option in one of the best CMS.

The dashboard looks and a family organization to most CMS software. Making it easy to navigate it.

In addition, you can choose from templates or create your own. The system provides own security and privacy to comply with the laws and requirements of the payment card industry characteristics.

Because this CMS is oriented e-commerce, it has extensive features to create product catalogs. These include, in turn, advanced pricing tools, among other features.

3.- Drupal

Drupal is a popular content management system designed to help professional designers to create powerful websites. Spaces capable of handling large volumes of visitors and hundreds of pages of content.

While Drupal, one of the founders solutions in content management programs, has some of the best-ons and plugins available, it is not the easiest to use for novice web designers.

It has considerable selection of topics. However, it requires a lot of coding to convert your site into something powerful.

Besides being, one of the best CMS also includes tools blog, email forms, search engines and site maps. And although these are the basic characteristics of the websites, Drupal includes a range of add-ons oriented shops and business websites.

 4.- Joomla

Joomla is designed for experienced developers to incorporate code instead of beginners who are more dependent builders’ websites to create content.

With a wide selection of accessories business, Joomla works well for companies looking to convert your basic website more attractive, unique, interactive and professional.

Regardless of business supplements that you need for your website, Joomla has almost all the free. However, the selection of topics websites is not as extensive as other CMS solutions.

5.- Silverstripe

SilverStripe is an open source CMS that allows you to create sites, intranets and other applications. Many sites linked to businesses and other organizations use this CMS. Above all, it is aimed at enterprise portals using PHP5 and MySQL.

The management interface is a shaped browser and uses Prototype, Scriptaculous and TinyMCE editor. The system is very simple and intuitive, as well as quick. It is also modular and templates provide you complete freedom of design.

 6.- Prestashop

It is one of the most popular managers to develop ecommerces web content. In fact, it is very close to WordPress in popularity. However, it is considered less potent than Magento although it is simpler so many online stores choose to it as CMS.

The number of templates to which you have access is enormous. There are both free and paid.

What is the best CMS for your brand?

It’s easy: The best CMS is the one that best fits your needs and solve your best work. In fact, avoid lead you by outside opinions. Maybe someone need a CMS determined by the demands of their job, but that does not mean that your brand will go to work.

The most popular is not always the best suited. Therefore, there are certain features you should look to have clearer the final decision:

 1.- Installation is simple?

The first barrier that you will be installing. Some servers streamline this process, but others leave everything to your free disposal. That is, you must install the CMS from scratch.

Here your level management FTP programs and databases will be decisive. However, it is something you should not worry. Most of the best CMS are easy to install.

2.- What allows you to do?

As you know there is no better that having more tools and features. Best for your business is the one that best fits what you need. Moreover, if it is simple and it serves, it will be perfect. Look no software to do hundreds of things. Choose one that does what you need in the simplest way.

3.- Is it customizable?

A content manager that does not allow you to customize the website will limit your strategies lot. Therefore, make sure that at least includes plugins that allow you to add new items.

4.- Looking for a simple text editor

The closer it looks like Office the easiest will result. If it is too complicated or you have to work with HTML code, you will lose a lot of time.

5.- MS and SEO

It is another factor that you should consider to choose from the best CMS. Those who are SEO friendly plugins include working positioning, so it is best that you consider.

6.- Documentation

Although perhaps now you are not thinking about this point in time when you get going with your new content manager you need to make sure any questions. Especially if it’s the first time you face a challenge as well.

All these tools will help you be more effective in your work digital marketing. You will save a lot of time management that you can use for other activities. Something that will give you time to devote to find new customers.

Do you have your website ready? Do you want to take advantage monetizing your blog? Try to use Coobis, Antevenio’s content marketing platform, where advertisers can order items that you will write and publish on your website in exchange for a fixed payment. Join Coobis and start earning money with your blog.

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