15 digital marketing techniques for SMEs

August 20, 2019
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Digital marketing for SMEs can be overwhelming in a digital world in constant evolution when you are growing your business. How are you supposed to create, adjust, and maintain an excellent digital marketing strategy that adapts to these changes?

This report concludes that 63% of marketing and sales professionals reported that the generation of website traffic and potential customers is the biggest challenge of marketing their company.

For companies to compete in today’s digital landscape, they need more than just a presence on the Internet to attract new customers and retain what they already have.

Including these essential digital marketing techniques in your online strategy will take your customers to your site, guide them through the sales funnel, and provide you with high-quality contacts in your inbox.

15 digital marketing techniques for SMEs through examples

These are some companies that perform digital marketing that is creating experiences and content to reach their audience better.

1.- Zappos

Zappos, a leader in the electronic shoe trade, sets the gold standard for online customer service.

Zappos not only offers a money back guarantee 365 days but also has free shipping in both directions, in case consumers decide to return or exchange products purchased on the site.

As a result, Zappos does not have it that difficult to market their online presence. Their policies are so attractive to consumers that buyers are eager to tell and share the best of the company with each other in a wholly organic and viral manner.

As an example of digital marketing technique for SMEs for 2018

You must manage content marketing appropriately to be effective. You must strive to ensure that your online content marketing campaigns produce excellent results in proportion to the resources you use.

Listen to your audience and plan accordingly. It is the secret to offer an excellent customer experience.

2.- American Express (AMEX)

Many companies talk about the communities they are creating online and the value of online conversation. However, very few really develop a community of value.

American Express puts its money at the height of its possibilities, taking advantage of the value that experts from the sector bring to its Open Forum website.

Open Forum is a collaborative website, in which American Express invites authors from a wide variety of sectors to share their knowledge and business wisdom. The result is a site rich in content that is popular among search engines, all created without American Express having to pay cash to contribute their content.

As an example of digital marketing technique for SMEs for 2018

You do not need to be the creator of your content. Find leaders in your industry who create valuable content and ask them to contribute an expert article to your blog. You will build your audience and generate traffic, as long as the content provides value. In addition to creating online communities will serve to minimize financial investment.

3.- Dollar Shave Club

Shaving can be a boring routine, right? The idea of this brand was to create an attractive and fun video. This is the release video of Dollar Shape Club ‘Our Blades Are F *** In Great.’

Today, this company has more than 3 million subscribers, has $ 200 million in sales in five years, and has caught almost 7% of the US shaving market. His promotional video has been viewed more than 25 million times, and the company was acquired by Unilever for one billion dollars.

Do not be afraid to pass your audience a good time. DSC does not take itself too seriously. The video is cheerful, silly, and ironic. And their customers like it for that. They did something as simple as buying razor blades and recording funny and entertaining shaves. And that’s what stayed in people’s minds.

4.- The Wirecutter

Affiliate marketing can be a bit sordid, but it can generate great results when done correctly. The Wirecutter has set the standard by labeling a simple “list of the best gadgets, like cameras and televisions, for people who do not want to take too much time to figure out what to buy.”

Write reviews of products they like, insert a link to a retail site so that people can easily buy it and take a commission for the sale.

Consumers often distrust advertisements, banners, and paid search results and want real recommendations from real people. And that’s what The Wirecutter offers. People share opinions and influence buying decisions. The only marketing they have to do is create reviews. Your fans take care of the rest.

5.- Airbnb

Like how travel and accommodation are sought has changed, Airbnb created a digital marketing strategy that relies mainly on images and videos generated by users on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Instructional videos and publications aimed at the owners and popular guides of the city. His Instagram campaign combines humor with compelling images from different travel locations around the world. For what it is more than a straightforward service, it is also a travel forum.

Create a demand for your product or service by finding a topic related to your new business. For example, Airbnb is, ultimately, a crowdsourcing hotel business, so the content interesting to them is related to travel sites around the world. It generates interest in the content, and the results will arrive.

6.- JetBlue

One of the biggest mistakes companies make when it comes to online marketing strategies is the tendency to publish material to self-promote only.

JetBlue, the favorite airline, uses Twitter not only to post fare discounts and special offers, but the company uses it to provide fast and easy customer service. In fact, the effect is so significant that almost all the messages in the company’s feed include

answers. Which is very unusual in the world of social networks for companies.

Make it a priority to balance self-promotion with the information that your followers can really use, and respond to users every time they interact with their profiles. You will increase relationships and consumer confidence.

7.- 11 Herbs and Spices from KFC

The team behind the KFC Twitter account made a bold decision. They would only follow 11 people. There was no announcement. Not even a tweet or comment about it.

The 11 people they chose were also significant: the five Spice Girls and six seemingly random types called Herb.

This generated a ton of tweets, memes, Reddit publications, and personal messages generated by users sent by consumers.

This is not a tremendous sophisticated digital campaign that took months of planning or production, but this is the key. It’s, but it brought tremendous results.

8.- Mastercard

As the main sponsor of MLB (Major League Baseball), the company wanted to execute its invaluable strategy and take advantage of the Chicago Cubs for the World Series for the first time in 71 years.

They went out in search of the perfect way to implement their campaign and found a great piece of content: a player from a rival team had accused the Cubs fans of lacking passion for their team. This was the perfect idea to build a complete campaign, it’s Sound of Priceless‘ battle.

They built a sound meter and placed it around Wrigley Field to determine how noisy the fans were. After measuring the sound and realizing how big the fans were, they created a part of the video around the story.

When you try to create viral digital marketing campaigns, look for content that is already available, and try to give it a spin that benefits someone else, as well as your brand.

9.- Uniqlo

Uniqlo created a global image campaign.

The spectators were directed through a series of informative screens that described their products in detail. Technology is behind this digital strategy. Participants were encouraged to share their photos on social networks so that their friends could join the campaign.

The campaign used fast-moving images on billboards that contained unique product codes that could only be captured when taking a picture of the screen. Buyers were asked to enter the five-digit code on the campaign website to redeem it for a sample of the HEATTECH clothing line.

Digital marketing can be an excellent way to interact creatively with your customers and show them who you are and what your product is like.

10.- Domino’s

His campaign ‘Domino’s Anyware’ has gained headlines after holders in prestigious publications such as Forbes, Wired, and Cnet. And books like Fast Company even say that Domino’s is more like a technology company than a chain of pizzas.

The goal of the campaign is to make the pizza can be bought as quickly as possible from any place and with the personal technological equipment of its customers.

It began by allowing customers to place orders through Twitter. Then it expanded with the addition of Amazon Alexa, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Chatbot, etc.

Take advantage of the popularity of emerging technologies and create thousands of free public relations for your company and positioned themselves as cool, progressive, and modern.

Digital marketing is more than content marketing, email, and paid advertising. And your brand image is more than just the message you convey. You should also consider what the communication channels you use about your brand say. Changing the way your product is received is another aspect of creative digital marketing.

11.- Heineken

Heineken took advantage of political conflict and found a positive effect. Heineken united people instead of polarizing and dividing. With beer, of course.

They matched a handful of people who had totally opposite views. For example, they matched people who thought that men should be men and that women should be women with a trans person. They went through a series of challenges before their disagreements were revealed. Then they were given the option to leave or sit down for a beer and discuss their differences.

They promoted the video on Facebook and went viral with more than 138,000 shares and 324,000 commitments. The video received more than 17.7 million visits, with 3 million alone in the first eight days. They captured their message in a hashtag, #OpenYourWorld, which quickly got 22,000 overwhelmingly positive tweets (87%).

Create a viral campaign that generates a positive brand image at the same time. You know, create content that awakens emotions that inspire your customers. It’s always a good idea to turn to professional writers like those at Studicus to help you create spotless content to boost your brand image.

12.- Tesla

Tesla’s success in social media is impressive. Despite being significantly smaller in the market than its competitors such as BMW, Audi, and Chevrolet, it is among the 3 most mentioned brands on Twitter.

And they do all this with just tweeting as little as 4 times a month. Obviously, this level of success is based on two key elements.

The first is the popularity and activity of Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who is extremely active on Twitter and has more than 20.7 million followers.

The second element to your success is your live events. These events attract many followers. People who share the link in social networks and live.

Having an active online presence makes your brand look more personal and close. Second, live events are an excellent way to focus and engage your customer base.

13.- Mr. Clean

They turned Mr. Clean into a seductive and magical cleaning dancer with a nice twist at the end of the video.

In addition to the massive Super Bowl audience, Mr. Clean received more than 11,700 mentions on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In just one minute.

If you are going to invest in a marketing campaign, make an extra effort, and use social networks to promote your campaign. Use anticipation, emotion, and curiosity. Make your audience not see it as an ad and see it more as entertainment.

14.- Twitter #BrandBowl

For the Super Bowl and its commitment online, Twitter decided to capitalize on advertising and try to control the dialogue in networks by creating the hashtag #BrandBowl. This pitted the marketing teams of the leading brands against each other, as they competed online.

The winners received credits for Twitter ads and the reach of the consumer. In addition to another personalized trophy and the bragging rights of your brand.

Perhaps the most important thing was getting the attention of the brands. It allowed them to promote themselves. It was shown that Twitter during the Super Bowl improved the commitment with both Twitter ads (42% more participation) and television commercials (14% increased engagement).

When you have a new product to sell to your customer base, try to find a creative way to show it.

15.- Sephora

One of her latest campaigns is an application that uses augmented reality and artificial intelligence to allow users to try different make-up products found online or in the store. They give advice and recommendations.

It uses technology to keep pace with the tastes of consumers. Even if you do not have Sephora’s technological budget, there are ways in which you can use technology so that your customers can try and see your different products online.

These 15 techniques of digital marketing for SMEs are essential for companies to succeed in their strategies. Something in which it is necessary to have a professional marketing platform that ensures you a unique email delivery capacity and that, at the same time, includes a marketing automation system for email, SMS and programmatic. Do you want Antevenio to help you with your Email Marketing and Marketing Automation strategy?

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