12 tips to create video content that converts

May 09, 2019
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Did you know that the play button is the most compelling call to action for any digital marketing strategy? That explains the need for marketing managers to create video content that earns conversions.

The data supports the power of this audiovisual format. In two years, 80% of all Internet traffic will be video. Are you ready for what is about to come? Creating video content that converts will open the doors to an unstoppable conversion market for you.

It is a support with a high power of engagement. And if you give it a good background and interesting stories, it can be an important medium to achieve your goals. But what grants video content this ability to engage?

The fact that it combines images, words, text and sounds allows it to transmit more information in a few seconds than any other type of contentIn this way, it is also easier for it to generate emotional connections. And remember: emotions sell.

Texts will generate emotions when you open your mind and unleash your imagination. Either you are fully absorbed into the story or it will not generate any emotion in you. That is why it is more complicated.

On the other hand, a video has the ability to emphasize aspects that will unconsciously awaken emotions. The intonation provided by words, nonverbal communication, sounds… It is a set of factors that will make the user feel many more things, and hence, its power.

The impact of video on users

Video is a very powerful language that allows you to interact with your users. It is the most complete format and the one that can transmit the personality of your brand in the best way. Therefore, besides impressing and causing emotions in users, it can also increase your conversions considerably.

According to Tubular Insights, consumers spend approximately 6 hours a week watching videos on social networks:

  • 46% confessed to having made a purchase after watching a brand’s video on social networks.
  • 76% acknowledged, in the study, that they were more likely to watch videos if they were recommended by friends and family.
  • Using of the word “video” in email subject lines increases the opening rate by 19%.

Regarding the analysis of the results and focusing on video content that converts, you must consider that:

  • 57% of users stated they had obtained the necessary information to become familiar the brand and product/service after viewing the video.
  • 54% stated videos were relevant to their interests.
  • Do users know when they are being called to action? The answer is yes. 92% know how to detect those videos.

How to interpret this data? Users receive thousands of brand impacts daily and they know what each one wants to transmit through their messages. You must go ahead and, above all, surprise them. After all, leaving them speechless will be what will generate the most awareness of your brand and will keep you in their top of mind. 

According to Unruly data, online video ads not only increase purchase intention by 97%. They also increase brand recognition by 139%.

How to create video content that converts?

The time has come to shape your video and tell stories. But before we identify some keys to achieve this, you must understand something: Always think of mobile. According to Youtube, the consumption of online video from mobile devices grows at a rate of 100% per year.

1.- Always work with your goal in mind

Do you want to increase your users’ engagement? Do you want your video to go viral? Do you want users to interact with it? Or do you want to generate conversions?

As with any strategy, the first step to start building your campaign is to set goals and work on them. In fact, in all the steps to be carried out, you must ask yourself whether your decisions are aimed at achieving your goal. If this is not so, you will have to stop and rethink your strategy.

2.- Think of a good insight for your audience

Adapt your video to your audience’s perceptions. The more you know about your users, the easier it will be to reach their sensitive fiber, and the better you will detect the needs that even they do not know they have.

Are your target Millenials with a deep understanding of the world of technology? Or is it athlete women between 30 and 50 years who are passionate about sports fashion? It does not matter. Adapt yourself to their style and their way of being and speaking.

According to a study by McGill Universitythe human brain deciphers sounds associated with emotions much faster than other kinds of content. A good technique is for you to try to visit these people’s past. They are already familiar with their present, and you will not be able to impact them with it. Go to their childhood, use sounds that take them there. Make them travel in time with your brand.

3.- Video has more impacts when it is something new

Being original is difficult and sometimes you need a great deal of inspiration to generate new and innovative ideas. But if you know your target well, you will know what impacts they receive and to what kind of content they are exposed.

Additionally, an analysis of you competitors will offer you even more information about what is being launched into the market. In this way, you can write down everything that is already available and cross it off your list.

Video works best when it offers something that has not been seen before. That is why it is advisable to use new scenarios. Sometimes, success is in the simple things. Why not try videos that are recorded from a car, inside a house or a warehouse? Turn your work around and become unpredictable.

4.- Use songs that are catchy

Using catchy songs causes greater brand impressions, and therefore, it will help you generate conversions.

You can also use a Brand Jingle. This is a technique that works by always using in your ads a song that defines you. Doing this, even if the user is not watching the video, just by hearing it, he will know what brand it is.

One of the brands with a well defined and is easily recognizable jingle is McDonalds with its “I’m loving it,“ although Coca-Cola is not far behind with its “Taste the feeling“. Use this strategy and you will reinforce your brand image.

5.- Influencers, yes or no?

Influencers are essential in the distribution aspect of your message. Therefore, when creating your videos, think about your audience and the influencers that have a positive impact on them.

Also, the best influencers marketing campaigns have been created considering not only the volume of their community but also their voice, which is very sensible. If someone has an influence on users, they will also know what catches their attention.

6.- Be constant

And being consistent implies planning. No matter the platform or the type of video you want to launch, you must look for all kinds of opportunities to do it.

You do not have to create intricate ads with moving stories. Use social media and use the advantage that the power of the video offers in them. Snapchat will connect you with a millennial audience, just like Instagram.

Each platform has its particularities. But the majority is introducing the option of streaming video for a reason. Make use of it.

7.- Have a variety of topics about which to launch videos

It is essential. Otherwise, it may happen that you do not have the resources you need. Remember that creating video content that converts is not something easy. That is why you should have a good calendar to help you to schedule the creation and distribution of your videos at the right time.

You can also use videos as a customer service tool. Use all your knowledge about your users to launch contents that answer their doubts.

8.- Make the user go through new experiences

The best example is this LG Colombia ad that uses the 3D sound technique to take the user to another world. If you wish to discover how it works, grab some headphones and listen to the video.

These kinds of experiences are what make a video content convert. Generating different sensations in your users is the first step to turn them into clients.

9.- Encourage people to watch your videos

Until recently, the main social networks were Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. But Snapchat has gradually gained strength and it has now become the perfect setting for many young people.

This social network allows you to launch up to three different types of ads based on video content that converts. But not everyone enters Snapchat every day. Therefore, you must broadcast the stories you upload on your other social networks. In this way, you will generate more traffic and you will transform into a very versatile brand.

10.- Flee from perfection

One of the most common tactics for many video ads is to use characters and settings that are perfect, such as beautiful models with good bodies. In some contexts, this kind of images may help. But in other cases, it will only make your audience go away.

Human beings are full of insecurities. And if an ad places you on the same level as an ideal person, instead of connecting the audience with the character, it will lose credibility. If a person does not feel reflected in what he is seeing, it will be difficult for him to engage.

Be realistic and refer to everyday situations. Do not try to create a video that is perfect. Naturalness always wins.

11.- 360º video

Brands have already begun using this 360º video technique. The novelty is a value, particularly when the novelty adds additional sensations hitherto unexplored.

Start using these techniques as soon as possible and become one of the pioneer brands to use them. You will surprise a lot of people, and users will know how innovative and risky you are.

12.- Live videos as a type of video content to convert?

The answer is yes. With live platforms what you aim at is that the audience feels instantly connected to what is happening in another part of the world.

In fact, brands have started using live video to promote products and services. This format allows companies to develop communities, generate a greater impact and, thus, position themselves better in social networks, where the presence of video is bigger.

As you can see, there are many possibilities and each one of them has its own particularities, although they might seem very similar sometimes. You must decide which one is best suited for your video marketing strategy.

Video marketing apps are ideal for converting users, but the best way to capture leads and convert them is to use a multidisciplinary team, such as Antevenio Go!, which analyzes the best techniques and channels to meet your goals.

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