12 fantastiche citazioni sull’email marketing (da usare nelle vostre presentazioni)

Luglio 07, 2015
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In ogni keynote (o ppt) per un evento o una conferenza, si sa, vanno inserite delle “quote” di una certa rilevanza, ovvero citazioni ricorrenti dette da personalità del settore che aiutano a rafforzare i concetti che vogliamo esprimere. Ne abbiamo raccolte 10 sull’email marketing: sono scritte in inglese ma in questo modo sono ancora più efficaci.

Ecco le citazioni, ovvero frasi motivazionali o aforismi che abbiamo raccolto per voi riguardo l’email marketing, ovviamente in rigoroso ordine sparso:

  1. Average conversion rates are meaningless. Switzerland on average is flat. Chris Goward
  2. Perhaps not surprisingly, cash is still the #1 driver for consumers to share their information. Jordie van Rijn
  3. A small list that wants exactly what you’re offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed. Ramsay Leimenstoll
  4. Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale. David Newman
  5. Don’t use big words, they mean so little. Oscar Wilde
  6. That which is measured improves. Karl Pearson
  7. Signing up is a powerful signal of intent to buy. Send them email until they do.  Jordie van Rijn
  8. Treat your subject line like the movie trailer – give a preview so they know what to expect.
  9. Make the customer the hero of your story. Ann Handley
  10. Focus on growing your list all of the time as newer subscribers are more engaged adding to healthier open rates and ROI. Karl Murray ‪
  11. Personalisation – it is not about first/last name. It’s about relevant content. Dan Jak
  12. Quality over quantity – Emails may best cost efficient but it’s no excuse to not produce quality content to give to a targeted audience. Benjamin Murray

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